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Type: Posts; User: June

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  1. Replies

    2009 Kawasaki ninja 250r?

    I'm 5'4 and about 110 pounds.
    i was thinking about buying one. i'm not a pro but i'm not a beginner either.
    what are your opinions on this bike?
    i'm open to other suggestions
  2. Weird boy... come and help me answer or tell me your own experience?

    I met this guy at a different church and he only talked to me in 15 minutes. He asked for my name and last name and next thing I kno he add me on facebook. That was fine, but then he ask me out on...
  3. Replies

    My boyfriend has it and you can receive pictures,...

    My boyfriend has it and you can receive pictures, but you need to log online (on your phone) and download it to see it, it's a hassle because they send yo uthis code that like 15 digits long and you...
  4. Replies

    Good for you for recovering. First of all, 126...

    Good for you for recovering. First of all, 126 lbs. is not overweight at 5;4''! What is your goal weight. Secondly, make sure to spread your calories out throughout the day. Three square meals. If...
  5. I was involved in a very similar situation. I...

    I was involved in a very similar situation. I think the patient may have only been 20 weeks though. The doctor was also very blunt with her. He told her that they would let nature take its course to...
  6. I'm a black kid in a white college afraid to meet white kids?

    what do i do. i know it sounds weird, but i have zero idea how..and my mind has all these crazy thoughts i can't get rid of. pls help me.

    what do i talk about? (if u're white and answerin this pls...
  7. movies movies
  8. try looking in a biology book of bones and a full...

    try looking in a biology book of bones and a full body diagram

    ur question is a bit hard to understand why not just say where the bone is on...
  9. Can I get my Dad in ICU better nutrition in his tubal feeding? ?

    I looked at the can of that similac-type stuff and it read like a candy bar. Very few nutrients and lots of sugar and oils. I don't want to debate the value of it - I just wonder if there is a...
  10. Would you want to be proposed to privately or publicly like on TV...

    ...Sun/Moon/Rising/Venus sign? Me privately

    Scorpio Venus
    Rising Aqua
    Sun Virgo
    Moon Pisces
  11. Is it a rumor or true about Biden having cancer?

    I looked on the internet for information , but did not find any.
    I heard that he was just diagnosed with prostate cancer,but can not find information to support this claim, so it must be a rumor .I...
  12. In my 2G Iphone i have a phone problem. Please help me!?

    everything else in my 2G iphone works fine but the phone . When i click on it I cant type anything in the phone keyboard, i can't make a phone call anymore, it freezes and the features goes away...
  13. Replies

    6 planets in water ,Saturn in air?

    I'm sensitive on the water level but feelings can be overwhelming, I sometimes wish I had Saturn in water or earth to give me more emotional control. I like my Saturn, but sometimes I have internal...
  14. Replies

    How to unblock an iphone?

    I just unlocked and activated with Ziphone a brand new 2g iphone (, everything was working fine, but I did a mistake, I updated the new software suggested in Itune and was locked again, I tried to...
  15. My films won't load onto my dvd-R blank disc!?

    so i finished my movie using WMM and i saved it
    i then put in the cd drive a DvD-R blank disc ,
    it loads onto it. and its finished loading it... So i then put it into the dvd player and it comes...
  16. Replies

    Am I sick?!? Do I have a virus?!?

    Yesterday morning I woke up late and felt unusually tired. I stayed at home all day because I had some school summer assignments to do. But suddenly, as I was taking some notes, my hand felt really...
  17. How do I add iTunes music to my Sony Ericsson w580i phone?

    I have a memory card and cable... but how do I actually put music on it so I can listen to it like an iPod?
  18. i love men and i'm attracted to men but i like watching women have sex im i gay?

    I want to know what it feels like to sleep with a women.i 'm not attracted to females physically but once they get in the act it turns me on. does that make me gay?
  19. i am thinking about buying an lg home theater (model # lht874). does...

    ...anyone have this model? if so, how hard? (or easy) are they to set up? i know all the pros....but what about the cons??? thanks.
  20. whats p*****?????????????????

    whats p*****?????????????????
Results 1 to 20 of 21
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