Recent content by coool

  1. C

    I need to know all about bitcoins! please help (:?

    Okay so all I know about Bitcoins is that its basically digital currency, and that mt.gox has something to do with it. I just need to know the basic stuff. I went to make an account on Mt.Gox (I guess to buy bitcoins?) but its asking for all this information like my address and everything. Now...
  2. C

    Ways to download free music besides torrents?

    I know its illegal, i don't care. If it was reaalllyy illegall all these websites would be shutdown. Anyways, im currently using utorrent but sometimes it downloads the wrong stuff and it takes too long. are there any better faster ways to download music for free, that you CAN transfer to iTunes.
  3. C

    How can I install installous for iPhone 4g?

    Hello guys I have Iphone 4g I need to install installous and I'm using jailbreakme to download it from it but it's not working ..! Need Some Help From You Guys...!
  4. C

    if u were twele u had a laptop iPhone and stuff what would u want for ur birthday?

    more clothes, trampoline (my parents would never let me) or like re do my room.