Recent content by JustMe

  1. J

    Custom LG G2 Wallpaper Size?...

    ...???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I'm trying to create a custom wallpaper for my new LG G2, but I don't know the resolution of the phone, and the buttons at the bottom of the phone are actually objects on the screen and I don't know the height of...
  2. J

    Why does my dog bite me?

    Probably her way of playing. You could teach her not to associate playing with biting if u want though.
  3. J

    Good starter sports bike?

    The best bike will be the one you feel most comfortable with.Reports and opinions are just a guide.On paper the stats may be very similar,but go and sit on various bikes to see how they feel to you.
  4. J

    what does this disk do gigabyte amd 9 8 7 series utility dvd?

    i want to know cause i seen it says on the disk windows 7 does that mean i can revert from windows 8 to 7
  5. J

    Why does my uterus feel bloated?

    For the past 2-3 days my uterus has felt bloated, like it is full of air. Why could this be? I am on Nuvaring and also use condoms so I really don't think there's any chance of pregnancy. I took my ring out today so I should get my withdrawl period in about 2 days. I've been pooping...
  6. J

    Whats A Good Project Title?

    I need a good project title for my project!! its about the effect of gravity on radishes!! Something like Gravity Radish or Which way will the radish fall???
  7. J

    Whats A Good Project Title?

    I need a good project title for my project!! its about the effect of gravity on radishes!! Something like Gravity Radish or Which way will the radish fall???
  8. J

    I flirted with a gay...?

    With " a gay". What the heck is "a gay"? That sounds about as disrespectful as a man calibg women " females". Like they aren't human. I think you need to work on how you word things so people won't get confused.
  9. J

    Should I buy a new radiator for my 2000 dodge intrepid (about $135) or...

    ...purchase a used one? I was going to go to Parts Galore with my mechanic and find a radiator, but I worry that the one I purchase may go bad. Car repairs simply stress me out. Some of the stress is gone because I don't have to take the car to the shop and possibly be swindled. The guy doing...
  10. J

    How to become a Professional MMA fighter?

    The simplest way would be to apply for and gain a spot on UFC's Ultimate Fighter. Otherwise there is this:
  11. J

    Bunny cages outdoors?

    I have a barn and I was going to keep them in there in a stall. Do I need to keep them in a hutch or could I just put them in a cage on a table? Also for bedding can I put newspaper and care fresh on to throughout the entire cage/hutch? Or should I just use straw and only the carefresh in their...
  12. J

    CPA Review, Becker or Roger?

    I'm trying to decide which one to buy. I hear the lectures for Becker are like reading the book and dry while Roger's lectures aren't just like reading the book and aren't as dry. In college I did better in classes when the teacher added to the lecture and did just read the book for the...
  13. J

    If I have an HDMI cable, do I need the red,green,blue component cables to

    HDMI is the best way to hook up your blu-ray player. Even if your tv is only 720p the picture will still look better using HDMI.
  14. J

    What does you're toast say about you (Quiz)?

    You Are Intuitive You're incredibly kind, caring, and generous. You naturally put others first. You believe that you know what's right deep down in your heart. You listen to your feelings. You are a very emotional person. It's less about what you think and more about what you feel. Your...
  15. J

    How to hook up home theater to ps3?

    Using the Red & White RCA jacks will not make the sound good. Hook a HDMI to your TV for PICTURE, Then run a Digital Optical cable from your PS3 to your home theater. Thats the BEST way to get the best sound. 5.1 through RED & White? NO ---- USE Digital Optical cable...