Recent content by LoveeCanada

  1. L

    How often is a person sued for not paying a cell phone bill?

    They don't "sue" they have other means of collecting. Fist month doesn't matter to much, unless you signed a 2 or 3 year contract that can cost you thousands, which will be worth their while
  2. L

    As an Independent can I vote in the CA Republican Primary?

    Depends on which one, some you have to be registered for, which you could do anyway
  3. L

    Is this sexual harassment?

    to her? or tho the gay guy next to him?
  4. L

    Help! My Laptop Won't Turn On At All!?

    A good Laptop: Unplug Remove battery wait 10 secs Install Battery Plug in Start It never really reboots unless you remove ALL power
  5. L

    Are there any women taxi or truck drivers in toronto?

    There are both, not in huge numbers, but both I don't know how much they earn, to make a decent wages in a taxi takes a lot of hours (I did it 40 years ago, but not recently) A AZ or DZ license for a truck, I see signs looking for drivers all the time, but they also like experience
  6. L

    why do gays wont rights?

  7. L

    Can a police officer pull over a UPS truck and search through all of the

    "with probable cause" yes, but to have "with probable cause" is the issue
  8. L

    Can a police officer pull over a UPS truck and search through all of the

    "with probable cause" yes, but to have "with probable cause" is the issue
  9. L

    Can I take a picture of my car and put it on a tshirt?

    I'm sure they will not look upon it as a threat, If you are making 30,000 it might be a different deal
  10. L

    Can I take a picture of my car and put it on a tshirt?

    I'm sure they will not look upon it as a threat, If you are making 30,000 it might be a different deal
  11. L

    How can the muslim religion be a religion of peace if every time one of...

    Americans never seem to piss off "one" its always 1.5 billion. "Let's burn their version of the Bible, Americans would stand by and do nothing?, I don't think so"
  12. L

    Why does Obama need Vacations?

    You are the problem with America