Recent content by MikeH

  1. M

    Alien Survival Thread

    *One unit of transportation: Hover craft *One partner: Raptor Jesus *3 weapons: Shotgun, flamethrower, knife *Two miscellaneous items(anything you want)***optional***: Life support suit that is resistant to heat, cold, and knife/gun attacks, and a spaceship to get the fuck off the planet if I...
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    a real ST mascot

    its the dodgy you stupid fuck
  3. M

    This is the sickest photo I've ever seen (Roger Federer death threat)?

    Hey Connor, long time no see, how is your streak going?? :D Anyway, wow, I've been searching for this supposedly threatening pic, then you found it, thanx, but it was not what i was expecting, it's not really a big deal, maybe just some random stalker, or maybe it's you Connor??? :P BQ: Yes...
  4. M

    How much will it cost (approximately) to repair this dent in my car? Picture...

    dam which dent? The fender or on the door. Your better off buying a aftermarket fender from a crash part store or online and paying them to paint it and put it on for you, and see how much it would be to do the door since they have to blend the paint anyway to the door. Id say 650.00 for...
  5. M

    What do you do for fun? (I NEED HELP!)

    further education. work on cars and all that type of stuff, pick up a sport....... personally, i play a lot of halo 3 and get smashed on the weekends
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    Will you check out my blog. I need to find people with the same interest?

    I have a blog I just started call I was wondering if anyone has similar interest out there. I would like to meet more people with different views.
  7. M

    How Do I Put My Videos On My ITouch?

    i would use something like red kawa to convert them and then you need to use iTunes directly connected to your computer to upload them (you can use wireless, but it will take longer)
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    Airplane on a Conveyor Belt on Mythbusters

    You just said horizontal air resistance is drag. EDIT: So what is vertical air resistance....hummm isnt it still drag?
  9. M

    oakley oil drums

    Fuck you and your Oakleys.....the frames and like and inch in width and everyone who wears the gas cans and oil drums and shit like that look like tools. the sports ones are fine though.....even though your paying $15 for glasses and $100-$120 for just a stupid ass metel 'O'
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  11. M

    Where can I find torrent games server update files? (Left 4 Dead 2 Mac)?

    A year ago I bought Left for Dead 2 on my PC, but having switched over to my Mac, the application Crossover just couldn't convert it. So I recently went and got a torrent version and have been playing that. Everything about it is fine, except that I can't play online. So I went to
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    dvd drive not working?

    Remove and re-insert the drive, could be a faulty connection.
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    What is the best solvent for an oily tar like substance?

    Acetone is a polar solvent so it probably will not work. Depending on what you have available, I would try naptha first. It is not as volatile as many other non polar solvents. Naptha is is found as Zippo lighter fuel and also as charcoal starter. If you cannot get these, xylene or toluene...
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    pro jersey copys

    they are not in my avvy? ohh i see what u did thurr.
  15. M

    Dell Axim X51 PDA Hand held pocket system?

    Is it possible to download real player to use on this system? I have searched the Internet but nothing comes up that helps. It has Windows Media Player but it can't or won't (for some reason) play .gif files (movie types) Any help gratefully appreciated