Recent content by shirl

  1. S

    How do I connect my DVD/blueray player to my computer?

    I want to connect my dvd/blueray player to my computer monitor. Can I do that?
  2. S

    My ipod Classic wont play songs they appear just wont play. How do I fix it?

    Everything works on the Classic
  3. S

    my pet budgie refuses to talk to me, what can i do to make it talk.?

    he might be ill dalrin. Try enticing him on his fav food, if he rejects that he might be poorly
  4. S

    How should he be punished?

    It is perfectly normal, lucky for you its not prostitutes hee's looking at. He is a teenager and thats normal for them to masturbate. Unless he is doing anything dodgy I'd leave well alone
  5. S

    do you think this rumor is true?

    Hmm. I don't think I have enough information to really give you an educated guess. It's hard to judge someone without knowing them. I'll just say, I've heard "Once a cheat always a cheat" and " Where there's smoke there's fire"