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    Will blue ray dvds play in a regular dvd player?

    My blue ray player broke. Can I connect my old dvd player and use it for blue ray dvds until I get a new one?
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    Do all blue ray players play regular dvds too?

    I'm shopping online for one. I've heard that they do, but, some listings specifically say "blue ray and dvd".
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    Anyone know what movie this was?

    The synopsis mentioned an ex-crack addict and her teenage son, and what happened was they moved into some rich person's house so she could recover, and then later on the son gets beaten/raped by some snobby rich kid. And I think it also involved him and a girl watching a documentary about some...
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    Where can I find vegetarian/vegan recipes that aren't boring?

    Not obvious recipes like salad or pasta......but interesting ones with interesting ingredients. Like, I went to a vegetarian restaurant a while back and their food had ingredients I had never heard of (tabouli, for example). Im asking cause my doctor told me I need to test out a gluten-free...
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    Keyboard won't work anymore?

    My brother's keyboard suddenly stopped working while he was in the middle of playing a game. The LED lights don't even come on anymore. We tried 3 different keyboards, one was a USB keyboard. None of them worked. Like 10 minutes prior he had switched mouses. I had swapped our mouses yesterday...
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    How common is it for dogs in a multi-dog household to really fight?

    I always read things on here about people who have 2 or more dogs, and they're fine for years and years before one day they go nuts and one ends up getting really hurt or even killed. Is this something that really does happen alot and something I need to be aware and cautious of? I'm wondering...
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    Getting a second dog, what do I need to double up on?

    I already have a 4 year old dog and I'm getting a new puppy soon. My 4 year old dog is my first, so I've never had experience with 2 before. So, what do I need to buy a 2nd thing of? I know I definitely need another food bowl, another collar, and another leash. What else do I really need 2 of...
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    What are the disadvantages of seeding a torrent?

    Like, why don't people like to leave their downloads up to seed them when they're done downloading? Does something bad happen if you seed a bunch of torrents at once for a long time?
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    Why is my dog whining? How to make her stop?

    She's been whining ALL day. I dunno if it's actually whining, but it's her "I want something" whine/growl thing. I have tried everything and I can't figure out what the heck she wants. She's even going up to the other family members in my household and whining at them, she never does that. She...
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    Should I tell my dad my mom is taking our stuff?

    I dunno if she's supposed to be over here...I think he said she's not allowed over here when he's not here, but she is over here, and she's taking stuff. And my dad's been asking if she's coming over here and taking stuff cause he says she's gonna wipe us out of everything if we let her. I dont...
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    Would these laptops be good for games?

    It's for my cousin...she wants a laptop for under $1000 that will also play the sims on high detail and everything, so she doesn't do any serious gaming, but that is her main concern; it must play the sims perfectly, and the sims 3 when it comes out in a few months Would these work? And are...
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    My laptop won't connect to new wireless internet

    Our router went bad, so we got a new one today, and my laptop won't connect to it. I've never had any connection problems with any wireless internet until now. It picks up the new internet signal (shows its in range), but it wont go past the "please wait while windows connects to the network"...
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    What is a good movie for my friend and I to go see?

    I wanted to go see Harold and Kumar, but I heard it had alot of nudity, and this guy is my ex-boyfriend, so I'm afraid that might be kinda too awkward =| What else is out that would be good?
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    Can you rent Xbox 360's anywhere?

    There's a game coming out soon that I absolutely have to play, but it is only for Xbox 360. I don't know anyone who'll let me borrow theirs, there anywhere I can rent one? I don't have money to buy one...and if I did I don't want to buy one just to play 1 game =|
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    Is there any way to see who all is connected to my wireless internet?

    I know we need to put a password on it, but we haven't gotten around to dealing with that yet. Right now, anyone nearby can use it. So in the meantime, I want to see who all is connected to our internet so I know if I need to go give any of my neighbors a good beating. Is there any way to check...