Search results

  1. M

    HELP! What type of Bike Should I Buy?

    I'm planning on buying a new bike and want to get any-body's input out there, who has some knowledge in the area. I'm use to riding a mountain bike of mine, on dirt tales. I have recently moved to a large city and have taken to riding on the streets. I live in a fairly hilly area and near a...
  2. M

    IPHONE App Store Help?

    does the appstore update frequently or just when a new firmware comes out
  3. M

    IPHONE App Store Help?

    does the appstore update frequently or just when a new firmware comes out
  4. M

    How do I fix an SSEngine error? I can't connect to the internet.?

    I went to bed last night and this morning I receive the SSEngine error that says, Engine.dat file does not exist. How do I fix this problem?
  5. M

    Someone With An Iphone ?!?!?

    can you play music from sites like imeem or dizzler? could you check before answering please.
  6. M

    Looking for a TV Show, called Hollywood Story, or Stories. Anyone ever...

    ...heard of a show like that? I'm looking for a TV show, that I think is called Hollywood Story, but when I google it I get nothing. The TV show has a reality feel to it, and when I watched it, it had a failed actor called Nick Baker or something trying to make it back into the scene, and he got...
  7. M

    I have a 1998 honda civic GLi and when I turn it off, I hear fast, continuous...

    ...'tack, tack, tack' noise. Why ? This only happens whenever its turned off. I've had it since june this year. I have also noticed that the revs go up to 3200 rpms when I accelerate to 60. It's been taken to two mechanics who have both said it's normal, but I refuse to believe that. Is it truly...
  8. M

    What is your favorite chocolate recipe?

    I mean something chocolate related eg. chocolate cake, chocolate truffles etc. Dongdolin - I meant I wanted the RECIPE for it so that I can try it.
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    General Motors Profitability?

    What steps would you take if you were president and CEO of GM, to return to profitability?
  10. M

    Imus Comments?

    Is there any place on the public airwaves (radio, TV or the Internet) for politically incorrect remarks by talk show hosts, comedians, etc., or should there only be specific adult stations for such fare?
  11. M

    Change your religion?

    I have seen a lot of religious questions in which people just hold to their beliefs. Has anyone ever seen someone else decide to become a Christian without the "personal touch"? I guess what I'm suggesting is that I think people convert after getting to know someone else who is a Christian...
  12. M

    Biased report about cancer?

    Does anyone else see the news reports released today about McCain being free of cancer as a thinly veiled attempt to tell people not to vote for him because he could die? I am not a McCain supporter, but I think that kind of coverage is shameful. The media is not saying McCain has cancer...