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    Baseball Pitch!
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    MAP members you are attracted to

    Don't know about Aussies but I certainly like Kiwi's
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    anthing weird happen at you school?

    hahaha. weve had that happen.
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    Ugliness of women . . . .

    why do women in arguments always have an affinity to stand dangerously close to the kitchen knvies *shudders*....during said arguments i always have an affinity to stand close to a chair or the small sheild i have hung on my wall....
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    Choosing a football team

    Bunch of thugs
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Hi lorelei, i havent met you yet. Oh. 8 posts. maybe thats why. Oh well. I wanted to give a 'Hello'.
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    my worst night ever..

    My Friday night, my buddy who I've known for about 11 years was hit by a drunk driver and thrown like a rag doll about 35 feet. Miraculously he's suffered no brain damage all that happened is he fractured his tibia and shattered all his teeth. The fucking piece of shit drove off though so no-one...
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    good for you -TkdWarrior-
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    Monster energy Slurpees mos def make you poo green.

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    Why do we eat meat?

    LOL I did try to resist!
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    My friend needs your help!

    Vick had a better description and better goals she got my vote. Op I know your little tricks you really wanted us to vote vick so you used reverse psychology on us good thing i caught on and voted for the right person :tup:
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    which one should i pick?

    2 isnt a slut shes just more mature about that kinda of stuff
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    Why marriage?

    What he said. Though I married my wife, not his. Hey, we have checked they're not the same person haven't we? Pretty? Lumpy jumper? Mitch
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    Wild accussation

    Van Zandt has a fascination with fish masturbation.
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    Being an STD.

    Genital Warts. 'Cos I'm growing on you! :hubba:
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    Samurai Swords

    bit rude isnt it? I didnt know that about the ninja sword not being real. I know not to follow the hollywood stuff but i did think that they used their own swords, my bad. Im ex military so im not a nutter who runs around with weapons waving them around in public like a total loonatic. I...