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  1. K

    How do I deal with this?

    suicide is the most selfish way to die.
  2. K

    Holy Spider Batman.

  3. K

    Zomg Rice

    again?????????????? seriously this gets posted at least once a month
  4. K

    If your mom was raped

    I was watching Law and Order SVU and the cop on there was born because someone raped her mom
  5. K

    Dr Who

    Its about time this came back on. Ive enjoyed all three episodes, they are very different to the original but they still have that Doctor Who feeling. I think the series has a lot of potential. I liked the aliens in the second episode, they were a lot more imaginative than your average star trek...
  6. K

    Hillary Clinton is going to visit my school

    :crash: Do you even know what a girl is?
  7. K

    I present to you.

  8. K

    The Thread of the FUTURE!

    Lower your firewalls and surrender your porn. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us.
  9. K

    So there is marijuana in my walls...

    leave for suprise to someone else
  10. K

    Bob Marley - Banned!

    How does Bob Marley like his donuts? Wi Jammin'...and he hopes you like jammin' too. Really sorry about that oldie, but it's the only joke I know (that's suitable for the forum)!
  11. K

    A Walk on the Moon

    Remote camera? David
  12. K

    Has anybody done any modelling?

    You'll have to go into specifics there Scientific modelling? Fashion modelling? Aircraft modelling?
  13. K

    First female 4 star general

    face meet palm :facepalm:
  14. K

    Your favorite smells?

    New Video Games The Field Febreeze And for some reason I like the smell of the Zoo. You know that Hay and doodoo smell. Fuck Yeah.
  15. K

    Opening a letter...?

    Wow, I went overboard posting on an internet forum? :rolleyes: Well if I am going to be serious, I would say she's a racist bitch for assuming something from the United Arab Emirates could dangerous or unhygenic. And I am entirely entitled to say that as it has substance. Are you still...
  16. K

    The MAP edited pics thread.

    That is CLASSIC moosey - like the original stunt, perfectly excecuted Bravo De Deux!
  17. K

    Moon Rock?

    So... the astronauts gave it to them, and they phoned NASA to make sure it's real. Huh. Seems I've heard something like this before.
  18. K

    which karate kid is better 1, 2, or 3?

    a) wax on, wax off
  19. K

    Have you been on a cruise?

    LM.A.O. ~ That sounds like my grandmother. plasma
  20. K

    Is this a good/interesting introduction about myself?

    Keep it the way it is, it's good!