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    The Confession Thread

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    What do you think happens when you die?

    fancy meeting up in wet vergina some time then for some man brewing!?!?
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Thanks! I was just in the process of rewriting my routine, but there doesn't seem much point in doing that now! Easter is sucking muchly at the moment! I think the moral of my story is for ultimate back health lift heavy and don't tidy the house!
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    Day of Silence 2008

    imo it should be called the gay of silence
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Those were taken from one side. In addition, they're simply more rounded than yours, not bigger...
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    parents and non parents.

    Yes. I 100% agree. That is the real achievement. And in this wild and crazy world filled with a lot of bat crap crazy humans, it is an achievement when someone raises a good one. when saved in blood raises a great son who's a good human, I'll congratulate him then. Actually, no. When...
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    Exactly. That's not an accident.
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    What is wrong with UK politics?

    Course, in your country of clones everyone would have to be gay. I suppose you could figure out how to manipulate the sex of the clones but you would still be stuck with some ugly women
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    Charging online bullies.

    Ok well I'm out, bunny I've said several times I know bullying in all forms is bad and harmful an I've explained why I don't think it should be legislated against. I feel you're deliberately misunderstanding and misconstruing what I'm saying and at some points simply making up what I've said...
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    Derren Brown

    The Heist was where he got a bunch of people to rob a security van. In The Messiah he traveled to the US under different alias and tried to get endorsements from respected people in a given area of paranormal belief systems (psychic ability, alien abductions, etc) for his claimed abilities in...
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    Skating Accident.....

    i clicked on it at work and my boss was behind me...i no longer work there anymore... thanks
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    Progress pics of painting my motorcycle

    I laughed when I read mighty putty, never even thought of using it for something like this. Thanks billy mays.
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    To all the cops

    I too have a few questions to put to any coppers who happen to read this thread- how much does it cost to be just released back into the crowd should I happen to be arrested at, say a demo? Is it true that policemen get the best weed? Can I have some? All meant in fun.
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    casual abortion

    Mr punisher I have a clue about what happened in your relationship because you told me what happened, you ex cheated on you. Im very sorry, its happened to me, and probably to everyone on here. I just dont want you to be mad at me like you are because I didnt do it to you bud. Its not my fault...
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    i wanna get some of that victoria secret shit, but no way in hell am i walking into that store by myself. i use... and
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    What do NCAA basketball coaches say to each other when they shake hands immediately following each game?

    What do NCAA basketball coaches say to each other when they shake hands immediately following each game? sometimes they kind of swear at eachother and insult eachother...i remember my football coach would tell me to inuslt the other teams coach and say bad things...coaches do that a lot
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    How to have a soft shot in Basketball?

    off your finger tips, higher arc, lots of rotation
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    Did you hear what the optometrists named their basketball team?

    I might have gone with the the fighting iris.