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  1. H

    Crazy Things You Have Done

    Hahaha man i was way of the mark lol but hey all's well that end's well.Bog Swimming is not for the faint of heart lol it's cold and stinks summit rotten!But its great fun with 12 pints of cider down ya neck washed down with some jack daniels.
  2. H

    Ticket question

    I don't think, he said only if i didn't pay or they feel its needed after i pay the fee. Damn, i hope not. hah.
  3. H

    my face broke...someones hand

    So - I guess by the name of the picture of the hand that "Troy" did in fact hit you in the teeth, hence the injury. Did you spend a bit of time in casualty or have you recently given up smoking?
  4. H

    Bradley Manning sentenced

    Maybe its because I don't pay taxes now but I'm kinda cool with the idea. I mean the military and wars are quite a divisive part of tax spending, but I've heard plenty of people say they don't see why they should pay for schools when they don't have kids, or hospitals since they go private. Or...
  5. H

    Colonialism and Imperialism

    I would be interested in your sources for coming to that conclusion Kwaj. That aside even if Africa is a rare case of a continet in 'constant war' I don't think that explanation would apply to most of the countries that felt the brunt of colonial expansion. Maybe the amount of casualties...
  6. H

    Remembrance Day

    pittance of time always makes me cry. Love that song and video. He's a Newfoundlander, like me, born, like me, in St John's. I'm a history major, or ihave one, so nov 11 is special to me. I am glad that when he, kelly, was in the store he got mad at Mr. McRudeson for setting a bad example...
  7. H

    Why do Jesus freaks think they know everything?

    I don't know much, all I do know is that Jesus loves us.
  8. H

    Why do Christians ring their church's bells so loudly that It scars

    Is it hitting you? How does it scar you?
  9. H

    How close do you think the end of the world and the anti-Christ are?

    I think within the next 10-20 years definitely. I think he is already alive and building power. If I am correct, he is also getting married this summer in the event of the year. Hopefully I'm wrong though.
  10. H

    yes/no Would u date or have sex w/ a person who is in another relationship? Do...

    Not only is it wrong, its dangerous. HIV is not the only thing to worry about. Herpes, Genital Warts, Chlamydia, Mononucleosis, and other STDs. Would you want your so called one and only mate to be screwing around with others? The answer should be no. Its a big risk and if the person is not...
  11. H

    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    This is a cat after my own heart
  12. H

    polls & survey - what do you think of this , my ex girl wants me to have her

    I think one of us needs better english skills
  13. H

    best place?

  14. H

    Ecology of Undersea Geothermal Vents

    Creatures like crabs have been around since before the first vertebrates crawled onto the land. So I'd imagine or expect these colonies of animals to have adapted to their extremely deep ocean environments as the tectonic plates shifted and the oceans got deeper. Basically they adapted to live...
  15. H

    Weird Thoughts You Had As A Child

    That I couldn't be in the Brownies because as a natural blonde, I would have to dye my hair, and that seemed like waaaaay too much hassle. And I still feel a little bit bad if I stand on cracks in the pavement or "hurt" a teddy bear
  16. H

    Is a Big Nose a Turn Off?

    I'd say it depends on exactly how big it is and the shape of it. The one displayed in the picture is not considered to be a big nose, well not imo anyway.
  17. H

    how do you clean up after the dirty dirty?

    onto my stomach then let it dry, then peel it off and keep it in a baggy :maybedodgy?thatdbegrossifnotdodgysoiguess:dodgy::
  18. H

    Europe vs USA, who wins?

    Ooh its easy. The US have paratroopers so everytime that reloads you just plonk them down in vital positions where there arent many UK defenses and let them blow up the ore miners. Although the UK has snipers, which are pretty crap against tanks but once they're up to level three they own any...
  19. H

    What to get GF for XMAS?

    ok serious note