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  1. 3

    To yahoo users, and yahoo . the reason i .direct?

    no, but then again i'm in my 40's
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    Is it a boy or just a wives tale?

    its still a 50/50 chancethe sex of a baby is determined by the fathers spermthe egg (or time of fertilization) has nothing to do with the sex of the babyxoxoxox
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    Do you think anything can be laughed at? Do you set limits to your sense of humor?

    That's part of being a mature adult, having discernment as to when to find something humorous or not, and being mindful of how others will feel about you laughing.
  4. 3

    If your wife won't have sex is that grounds for divorce?

    Do you show her affection even when you don't want sex? A little touching and affection can go a long way!Is it grounds for divorce? Anything is grounds for divorce. I want out of my marriage more than anything, but I just can't do it to my kids. However, sometimes it's better for the kids...
  5. 3

    What sex are you and what age were you when you moved out of your parents home?

    Just want to see if there are any common ages for boys and girls who move away from home. Also do boys/girls move in their own place on their own or share a place with others when they moved out?I left home when i was 19 and my parents then moved to another country so i was completely on my own...
  6. 3

    Do you appreciate God's sense of humor?

    Its really not necessarily a sense of humor. Things cant ALL add up or everyone would be a Christian, and no one would have doubts. But theres all these scientific arguments that I believe God created, to test our faith. If things were black and white, the concept of faith wouldnt exist.
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    Should I reply or IGNORE his text?

    appearly you are not in love with him, why you get bother?
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    How do you determine the sex of a ball python?

    use a sexing probe...well, have a vet use a sexing probe
  9. 3

    Need advice on Boy name! Pick your favorite?

    I like all but Sutton, and Tucker is iffy because--say it fast with me--TUCKERMORROW--sound like kids might find a way to turn that into a dirty little sentence!!and so does Rydermorrow...ride her tomorrow...
  10. 3

    If you ever contemplated criminality, what kind would it be? Do you think you'd be good at it? Why, why not?

    If you ever contemplated criminality, what kind would it be? Do you think you'd be good at it? Why, why not? I'd be either a petty thief, criminal gambler, or John.Petty Thief: Wallets can add up. I'd be good at it, I know the tricks of the trade.Gambler: Know where "loose" machines are, in the...
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    is there a possibility i could become pregnant?

    use condoms better yet dont have sex, yes you could get pregnant
  12. 3

    Christians: How would you describe a fellow christian who brutally murdered his wife and four kids?

    Christians: How would you describe a fellow christian who brutally murdered his wife and four kids? Probably possessed or manifested serious psychological problems.The latter are not instantly received, people are aware of the individuals problems but choose to turn the other way.God bless'
  13. 3

    Friends with benefits: can it really work?

    Some times; and with that said ,usually one will begin to desire more than the other(a sort of evolving relationship). What happens when either or wishes to extend benefits to other friends?I have had a couple of these relationships and for the most part they have been very good, as well as long...
  14. 3

    Are you sick of annoying people in Y!A ?

    They got what they wanted.Your attention.You have spent a question for them.Think of it as a society.You have the smart*ss,the jack*ss and any other *ss you can imagine.You either kill them or ignore them.I do the second because it will keep me out of jail.
  15. 3

    Friends with benefits?

    I have a great guy a friend - we can talk about anything and everything, we have the same sense of humor etc.A few weeks ago we became "friends with benefits". We are still close, but I was wondering if this can really last. In your experience does friends with benefits work? Any advice?
  16. 3

    If you catch your son?

    Oh, I'd definitely razz him....have some fun!Childhood cartoons
  17. 3

    Why do men on craigslist solicit sex from other men, but claim they are "str8" in their ads?

    Why do men on craigslist solicit sex from other men, but claim they are "str8" in their ads? As long as they had sex with a woman once they can lie to themselves.
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    Holocaust Humor?

    Personally, I think the whole notion of it is hilarious - they had it coming! Gold-hoarding... argh. Too bad the Holocaust isn't true though.
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    what zodiac sign has the best sense of humor?

    my sign :] virgo ....i think i have a good sence of humor i always make my friends laugh and i have a great girlfriend
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    NFL season 2008-2009?

    i see the denver broncos going somewhere around 9-7, that if they pick up a real good wide receiver, to help out jay the nfc, i see the cowboys coming out on top again, and the giants coming in the playoffs as a wild card, then the giants get past there first team, and lose to the...