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  1. S

    Watchful Neighbors

    We took this bitch over didn't we. This is mah ST!!!
  2. S

    Would you ever go out with someone on ihav?

    Would you ever go out with someone on TSR? :mmm:
  3. S

    Petition to make cheese a fruit!

    Liquid Bread LOL
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    I have just tried shaving oil ( king of shaves) for the 1st time as I usually use gel. It was recommended to me a long time ago but only just got round to trying it. I am fed up with my permanent 5 oclock shadow. I have done searches on the net for shaving advice. I have done everything...
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    Should I

    Also is it pretty easy to figure gold ups and you go to purchase one and it just says its free or something? I think I will do it. And besides...there is those contests also :D
  6. S

    Estelle Getty is dead. Like whoa

    Uhh, I think I would remember something like that. Troll.
  7. S

    Be Inspired

    Richard Donavan has just completed 7 marathons on 7 continents in under 5 days!!! My favourite part of the story is on the final Marathon in Australia he was all in and could'nt keep down food or water. In desperation he tried a beer (when in Rome ) And it gave him what he needed to run on and...
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    Six pack abs in 30 days

    So, a fairly small chap ate a high protein diet and worked out and saw improvements. I have a little more than 17lbs to shift before you could see any defined abs!
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    New School Dress Code

    Stop being bitches about it almost every job you work has a dress code or a uniform go ahead and get used to it.
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    Shia LaBeouf Faggot Slap

    That's just shit we all do in private, but few publicly admit. There's always gays and others who will get genuinely pissed, but most rational people don't care. Yes, he does have to apologize to save face with that crowd. Otherwise he'll be called a gay-hater, and in today's society, the worst...
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    Is someone going to get spanked? Please?
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    Favorite pop

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    Nobel Peace Prize?

    Morra and Old Palden's posts summed it up perfectly for me. Obama's appointment to the Presidency of the United States not only inspired millions of Americans, but also millions of non-Americans all around the world. I was one of them. The simple truth is that Obama is the single most powerful...
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    Why do some poters sign their names after long posts?

    Bit of what moi and fish said i reckon. I usually sign off my first post in a thread I start since I usually write formally, same prinicple as a letter really, and I sign off PMs just out of habit really ususally with my real name if its someone I know just cos i know thme well. Makes it a bit...
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    What countries have you been to?

    Damn right I do! OK, I've always lived in England, and I've also been to: Ireland Scotland Wales France Switzerland Spain Luxembourg Belgium (just popped over the border for a beer!) Germany (just popped over the border) Turkey Cyprus The Czech Republic The USA Antigua (just to change...
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    who whould win bear vs gorilla

    Gorilla Bears can't stay on two feet for as long can they? So like a bear could try to claw at it but a gorilla could like use all it's force because its standing on two feet and has more room to swing which is building up energy? I'm pritty sure that gorilla's are alot faster too
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    Age Long Question

    im on 3 pounds of suck right now?
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    school sucks

    email it to me, ill post it for you
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    Scenario: Your Life

    Get the dirty white vest out and do my best John Mclean Impression: "yippee ki a" *Please note dirty white vest is only worn in such circumstances, I don't make a habbit of it*
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    Fucking with security at the state hospital!

    these are good threads great pics.