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  1. B

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    YES! It's great! I just have non-weightlifting issues that need to be dealt with (and which I usually try to ignore - hence my need to rest at the moment). The cakes were lovely!
  2. B

    i got a fat lip

    I hear semen fights inflamation.
  3. B

    Ban the last poster before you post

    for not liking sillyness
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    PayPal Help!!!

    do they automatically try to re-deliver or does he have to call to schedule a re-delivery? How much time has to go by for them to render it 'unclaimed' and ship it back?
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Whats Black Bear?
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Once you get something to eat you'll see the funny side.
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    *raises poo-grenade launcher and fires*
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Are you starting to get wiser, I approve.
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    How much did this cost?

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    Women in the Infantry

    I think you're missing the point. An "adverse reaction to combat" is an extremely laughable comment. Who the hell goes to combat and comes out "oh, I'm a stronger, more mentally stable person now!" The question she is posing is if the extra added medical costs that could possibly be a major...
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    cant handle your drinks i see :P
  12. B

    Ok, so we need one of these, who agrees?

    *holding back* *holding back* ... *sigh*
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    Running for life!

    I've finally got myself motivated (also with a little push) to start running last week. I ran every other day for the past week, and I can manage 3 miles or at least a 30 minute run session. I was totally suprised because I thought I had no endurance and everytime I finish these runs it feels...
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    Mass shooting/hostage situation at Sikh temple here in Milwaukee area

    Me too. Given the amount of people killed with guns every year it'd have to be a MASSIVE number. Although strictly speaking they wouldn't need to hurt anyone with a gun to succesfully defend themselves with it. Maybe just brandish it and have the mugger/attacker run off. Which would be hard to...
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    4 out of 10 women sexually harassed.

    Less hair is definitely much more sexy, on guys and gals by my standards . . . and hygienic. If I were into guys I definitely wouldn't be going for the lumberjack, yuck. I can see how it can be perceived as sexist though, but hopefully in the future when you come out of the womb they run you...
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    1.618 The Most Perfect Number

    this is wierd...can we get back to the number talk?
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    What are you doing right now?

    Hey, thanks! I've been away a long time (long story). What am I doing now? Gonna log off; have to get back to work.
  18. B

    ST in your everyday life.

    SHENS You have no friends to get shitfaced with. They were in your mind. Start inviting people into your basement to beat the shit out of each other. Soon it will turn into a terrorist organization and you can blow up several credit card companies and insue chaos around the united states.
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    So I think my mum just caught me...

    My family sit down together to eat. What's your favorite Kipling? Cream fancy? Iced finger?
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    Moving House

    Heh, I just had a similar thing. Our previous tenency was up 30th June, but we couldn't move into the new place until the 30th June. We managed to move and clean in the one day but it was a nightmare, and VERY stressful especially if there's a few of you involved and you only have that short...