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  1. P

    So..... Im a father..

  2. P

    Give me Five ....

    Five kinds of terriers: Scottish Terrier Dandie Dinmont Terrier Jack Russell Terrier Bedlington Terrier West Highland White Terrier Five breeds of housecat?
  3. P

    For the Ladies

    Your bf would like it! Now that is wierd. I feel unclean for posting it now.
  4. P

    Thought of the Day

    I woke up today and the sun was out. That's new to me, it was kind of nice.
  5. P

    Why do you drink?

    Because of the taste.
  6. P

    Opinion of the previous users sig

    Pedantic busybody always out to correct everyone and make sure they fill everything in
  7. P

    The Inception of MAP

    I've just read that back. How many times can you use the word member in one sentence. What appaling use of the queen's english.
  8. P

    Why marriage?

    Marriage is a great institution, I'm just not so sure I'm ready to be institutionalised
  9. P

    Naked Martial Arts Expert Battles Police

    LOL.. that was amusing! Lu guy sounds like a bit of a nutta.
  10. P

    Drunkin' N' High In Public

    Here's the story. I was fishing with a couple of friends on the pier when a couple of guys busted out the beer cans and started drinking. Public intoxication on the beach (pier included) has been banned since 2008 in San Diego. I didn't give it much thought but for the two hour we were there...
  11. P

    Wind farms

    How do people feel about wind farms? I saw something on the weekend about them and the controversy they can create when being sited. One woman hated them so much she was in tears. Saying they ruined her precious landscape (despite it being an entirely man-made landscape in the first place and...
  12. P

    Veteran among last 3 known survivors of World War I

    I don't know about "we" MD, but believe me, though I was a cop and and a correctional officer, I learned really fast that the last thing you want to do is just start fighting. Things usually go very badly when we follow that course of action. Trying everything to avoid physical altercations...
  13. P


    I am soo.. jealous. i just maid mexican hotdogs.. mmm soft tortilla spread hot salsa and shredded cheese roll up a hotdog put on making sheet spread butter overtop cook at 405 for 12 min serve with side of more hot salsa. mmmm... still could do for some dino nuggets though..
  14. P


    Sack the H and stick with the charlie and you'll be doing 1000 push-ups
  15. P

    how do you open your sidebar gadget?

    why doesn't she answered????
  16. P

    how do you open your sidebar gadget?

    why doesn't she answered????
  17. P

    What are the most ridiculous rumors you have heard about Barack Obama?

    That he was actually elected President of the United States. What??? That actually happened??? It wasn't a nightmare??? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. P

    Does anyone else doubt Obama's religion a little?

    I'll enlighten you. His religious views, whether Christian, Muslim or atheist, are his business. As long as he does not put them into the political arena, then I am content to let him find his own spirtual path, or no path at all.
  19. P

    celebrities should NOT leave politics to the politicans?

    As citizens of the United States, celebrites have the same right to voice their opinions as you and I. The question then becomes, "why would anyone give it any credence?" I could care less what Oprah's, Rosie O'Donnell's or Chuck Norris's political views are. What makes their opinions any...