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  1. D

    How many hours did you spend on the computer today

    3-5 hours i played some counter strike:source
  2. D

    Sentencing for possible crimes

    I'm glad he's locked up, but the extra sentence for what he only might have done was wrong.
  3. D

    Bradley Manning sentenced

    You'll have to forgive me for not being able to articulate myself well with what I'm trying to say here but you have me mistaken. This isn't a topic I like to discuss very much so I haven't had much practice getting things across the way I want to. To the bolded, that's not what I'm saying. I...
  4. D

    What would you spend $200 on?

    100 on beer and the other 100 on liqour
  5. D

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" It does. Sometimes Westboro wins on the First Amendment, and sometimes it loses.
  6. D

    White House forced to take stance on drone use in US

    Yeah, the media has done a good job scarring everyone about libertarianism. What is so scary about doing what you want as long as you don't hurt others? What is so scary about taking control of our money supply out of the hands of bankers?
  7. D

    Opinion of the previous users sig

    A big fan of Carl Douglas.
  8. D

    pirates vs vikings vs ninjas {new classes!}

    Normal Ninja.
  9. D

    What percent of UFC knockouts come from strikes other than punches?

    like kicks elbows knees
  10. D

    math question of the day

    get a fucking life.
  11. D

    Smoking in the UK

    I am a non smoker and basically can't stand the smell of smoke, but i read this in a newspaper and thought straight away yet another tax. Basically the government are bringing in a new law that to smoke you you will now have to have a licence which will cost you £10 every year and you will have...
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    Do you sleep with your closet door open?

    closed, but then i open it early hours of the morning and shut myself in it
  13. D

    DIY for complete and utter n00bs

    It's illegal to do much yourself these days anyway. Mitch
  14. D

    Shell profits

    I don't use public transport for the simple fact that I refuse to travel with the proles
  15. D

    School boy wears skirt to school

    Baking as in proper hot or good for May. I think he might have a point come July and we might see uncomfortable weather but at the moment he's protesting for the sake of it. I'd have thought he's bought himself a big black mark there. Too many of them and they ask you to leave
  16. D

    Google Image Wars v. 8362348246

    How would getting hit with their clubs be fun
  17. D

    Paintball FTMFW

    sweet. something similar happened to my grandparents once, only they had a johnny cash cd on and the cop was a johnny cash fan.
  18. D


    What... This cannot be happening! NOT NOW!!!!!!! I NEED meal worms and they are no longer available in pet stores. My lizards could starve as they won't eat ANYTHING ELSE!!!! I need meal worms but I don't have the money to payfor shipping over 5 dollars. Are there any websites selling them.