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  1. I

    What do you do if you have not had sex in over 2 years?

    If you're scared then don't rush yourself but, keep in mind that he has needs that he'll find someone else to satisfy. Not trying to be rude but men don't think the way we do so if he's being understanding now he'll be looking for you to be understanding as if you want to keep him try...
  2. I

    Do you think anything can be laughed at? Do you set limits to your sense of humor?

    You need to keep a sense of humor but yes I don't like jokes about other peoples race, culture, ethnicity,
  3. I

    Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a husband?

    Same place for a single white female to look.
  4. I

    Where would be the best place for a single black female, to find her husband?

    Grocery stores, Bookstores, or post an ad on Craigslist.
  5. I

    Should I respond or leave him hanging?

    hmmmmmmmmmmmmit was what it was.if you say mean things about him and his performance or lack of it or whatever you might really hurt him and start a fight.then he probly says mean things back.
  6. I

    Should I reply or IGNORE him?

    Leave him hanging and walk away he obviously thinks he's the sh*t and he's not.
  7. I

    Two sex offenders released early?

    do you think that means if i force myself on Matthew mcconaghey I'll do less than 6 months ? hhmmm what an appealing thought !seriously not all sexual offenses are the same, it could just be some bloke who has been knobbing a 15yr old, against the law but hardly makes him a pervert unless of...
  8. I

    If you catch your son?

    who is almost 9 yrs old, watching Dora the Explorer.... should you razz him about it...or just let him have his personal time with the little muchacha?And for the love of god people don't get all serious on me! I put this question in Entertainment so I could get answers from people with a sense...
  9. I

    Interesting Situation: Will he be lying or telling the truth?

    The man witness puts his right hand on the bible. "Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?" The man holding the bible asks. "Yes" Says the man swearing to the dear oh holy god. Then a lawyer comes up and asks, "Would you ever lie to defend a friend?" And the man answers...