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  1. Q

    Amateur Photography

    I've just started a photography course - I'm using the Nikon F75 SLR and just today finished my very, very first film and uploaded a few to a new photobucket account - please be gentle this is my very first batch of photos and I'm still trying to work out how the flippin' camera works! LOL
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Grrr my car is sick too!
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I like the way my reputation for being sweet, kind, generous and caring protects me!
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    Russian Seige

    THe problem is, most forums i go to are not very regulated, and in those forums, guys will just say its islam, using skewed facts. They take verses from the quran such as 'kill all the jews' now to someone who has no knowledge of TAFSEER(how the prophet interpretted the quran) it would sound...
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    The Randomness Thread

    Nah I've had my laugh, moments gone.
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    Final 2008 "King of ST" Thread

    Final 2008 "King of ST" Thread Quikfingers should be on there. But I voted for boosie cuz he amuses me while I'm bored.
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    Before you joined and just lurked.

    I didn't lurk. I wanted to ask more experienced martial artists questions about stuff and so I just googled martial arts forum and joined the first one that popped up.
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    Prove Unicorns Dont Exist....

    Sorry mate I shot it and had it for dinner with potatoes and carrots, it's now an ex unicorn.
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    This is the worst thing I have seen

    Yeah i would go along with that if he gave up they should have stopped, in my masters school once you give up the fights over.
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    I saw someone famous earlier..

    He's a cricketer....
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    Dating Question?

    of course?
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    This game has suddenly popped up at work. It seems like it has come out of nowhere and is very popular. I had no idea this Japanese game existed until recently. Has anyone else heard of this game?
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    mp3 player>??>?

    well i have two mp3 player one is like two years old but it doesnt work nomore and i just got one in like feburary but one day when tried to listen to my music it said no files with made me mad sotodays my bday and i wanted to know were can i buy a cheap mp3 player or ipod>??
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    Cool rap video?

    um well theres a chris brown song and he is singing and he standing in the middle of the street and everything in slow motion kind of its not rap but yea
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    Girl Gossip?

    you cant do nothing about it just ignore her or be like yea so
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    Question about Blackberry Pearl?

    You can use MSN email on your blackberry provided that it is a paid email account.If you're talking about the MSM messenger, you can download the MSN client via this site: install the IM client on your device.Hope this helps!
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    What cell phone in canada is right for my friend?

    it has to be a telus or aliant and it cant be too too expensive.she wants a camera phone that is a flip style so out of these what one would reccomend?out of only the ones under...