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    How Old Are You Pbn??

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    Academically there is no such thing as a right dialect and a wrong dialect there is only non-standard. The standard English dialect being received pronunciation (RP). Which is really only spoken by the queen and on the BBC. These blogs are great! If I’m feeling down about an exam mark or...
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    Death Certificates on Abortions Proposed

    Bible belt is a whole new rank.. LOL
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    Peculiar Aristocratic Title

    my sister ran across this and sent it to me. i laughed my head off. have fun! Duchess Cait the Infinite of Lower Wombleshire
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    When did Michael Jackson look best?

    The pic you used doesn't do him that much justice in number 2, but he's so hot in the thriller video!
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    Attention all girls, i need your advice/help please! and guys too.

    hahahahahahahah. This thread made my day. Too funny :P
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    Blow your own horn.

    No good deed goes unpunished. I once took a second date with THE most boring woman I have ever spoken to. OHHMUURRGOD she prattled on about her job, the colour of her new curtain and a 30 min story about where she bought her patio furniture. She said she was having self esteem isuses because...
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    Opinion of Previous users Avatar

    I'm sure there's some image there but the colors aren't very good, I can't be bothered to really look
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    Subway Vs. Quiznos

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    ok, my bio-family search update...

    Mike it sounds like everything worked out pretty well for you. I know you had a lot of apprehension and worry before you began your search. We're all happy for you! Let us know how the follow up visits go with your new found family. And you may have set a record for the most 'thanks' in one...
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    dating someone

    Only if the balls touch.
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    Bank charges.

    Lloyds has just offered me £750 to go away!! Told em to bugger off, i want the full amount, i have a PS3 bundle riding on this!!
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    I need a tad bit of help

    this makes me rotfl
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    Aye! That I am lassie! We'd better get to bed soon...What'ya' think of aikido?
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    Have you ever had a premonition?

    I used to get strong deja vu about stuff that was going to happen, I even predicted something to my friends just before it happened...but it was something pointless that I wont bore you with, but it was still well strange anyways, everyones jaw dropped including mine. Doesn't happen anymore...
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    Not having a valid ITV (MOT) on your Spanish car?

    Hi there, I have a car in Spain, but I'm not going to be there until the beginning of May, however the ITV (Spanish MOT certificate) I think has run out. Are there any implications to this? And does anyone know if it'll be ok for me to just renew it when I get back to Spain? It's parked at...
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    LOL! Cheney living up to his first name.

    Why couldn't he just have shot Bush...
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    What do you think of Beth Ditto (Gossip)?

    She has a great voice and a great band, so it makes no difference to me that she is a larger lady, but I probably would avoid being at the front of one of their gigs (she does tend to sweat a bit)
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    Fascinating what human kind can do ..

    They cheated, the camera cuts occasioanlly between shots and I think the machine breaks at those points, or can break.
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    Why are Hollywood movies absolutely useless

    There are lots of great films from hollywood that don't rely on explosions and superheros, you obviously just dont look hard enough for films witth substance