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  1. V

    REAL Ninjas

    Thats why I should be an admin.
  2. V

    Ban the last poster before you post

    ban lohan as part of his DOOM
  3. V

    ITT: an amazing sammich

    You are your mom's bitch...Nice. Cool sammich though.
  4. V

    Whats your FAVE dinner?

    Roast chicken with roast vegetables and thick gravy
  5. V

    So Small Talk What pets do you have and what are their names?

    My dog cooper. the attack rooster the goat another dog, 2 cats, 3 horses, mini pony, fish, turtles, and i kept a squirrel in a cage for a day that i caught but it was crazy so i let it free. the squirrel.
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    Can you volunteer Fish? Lots of Karma to be gained there Mitch
  7. V

    Funny ebay ad

    :facepalm: !
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    Boiler Problems

    Thought you was on about your other half then. Anything that has gas needs to be done by CORGI engineers. They have to pass the exam at 100% or fail. It saves on explosions later on. Phone CORGI itself and they will recommend a worker to place it in. There are some cowboys out there that...
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    The confession thread

    Wasn't that a "naughty confessions" thread in the supporting members forum? I can't remember.
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    Fish pedicure

    They have these in the Metro Centre not too far from where I live. My mum questioned hygiene, "Do they reuse the same fish for each customer".
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    Post your favorite origami!!

    How did you make it? Did you fold a stamp?
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    But it is hardly just the religious right that wants to ban books. How about Hansel and Gretel that a group of Wiccans tried to ban?
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    help me name my new puppy!!!

    I agree with the guy that said to name it waffles.
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    Infection: I Has It (pics)

    haha i loled for about 5 minutes when i read that statement. lol.
  15. V

    Help me find music that i like please!?

    Alice In Chains Another Animal Soundgarden Metallica
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    What do you think of Saved by the Bell?

    I loved Saved By The Bell! I liked them all except Jesse, she was way too uptight :P *edit: But I never liked The College Years
  17. V

    Wine from Pompeii's restored vineyard?

    Does anyone know how I could obtain some of the Pompeii wine? I read an article that the vineyards have been restored, but as far as I know you have to actually go on a private tour of Pompeii to get any. Thanks!
  18. V

    How do you get meet and greet passes?

    Win a contest or sleep with someone
  19. V

    Wine from Pompeii's restored vineyard?

    Does anyone know how I could obtain some of the Pompeii wine? I read an article that the vineyards have been restored, but as far as I know you have to actually go on a private tour of Pompeii to get any. Thanks!