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  1. T

    Chocolate or Vanilla...The Final Showdown

    I think they are best mixed as softserve or a milkshake. Not to much Chocolate but not to much Vanilla. If it is hard I like Vanilla.
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    Is It Almost That Time?!

    MMMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMM, it'll get ya drunk..... You might even fight a nigga or two. You'll be fuckin fat bitches in no time.
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    Eating Meat?

    Well, I for one "didn't crawl to the top of the food chain to become a vegetarian." It's lonely at the top, but there are good restaurants up here, too. -Mark
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    Your Favorite Fast Food Resturant?

    in & out has a secret menu n00b
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    Sometimes I hate my own species...ok, a LOT of the time. looking into climate change maybe? Like those scientists were doing when that clam died?
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    Anyone Have A Tattoo????

    well the best thing to do if you want a tattoo is to research. not go in some kids room, but hey what ever floats your boat. i used aquafor its the same as a&d but it works better. wash it once a day with no scented dial soap. and then pat dry. then put the ointment on whenever you feel it needs...
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    You just described my last job
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    Your creative stuff

    I had another go at watercolours, this time with no drawing or any source material, just trying to draw a made-up face by sticking colours on paper. It turned out better than I expected.
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    i have polished black canteens w/ polarized lenses. i wanted the gascans but they didnt have the ones i wanted im content, theyre great. lenses work great for fishing too
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    I thought you'd all like this

    lmao messing with people in this is so funny
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    poll: any1 notice how y!a got a sense of humor?

    yup....good old yahooooooooo
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    A day in the life of a mod

    i wouldnt be able to be a mod for a day...i cant compete with the massive sticks in their asses
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    Lul Wut?

    I see a big slick black deeldo
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    which way is she spinning?

    try this: Read something first,in detail,then immediately look at the picture without stopping. Then look at a picture,prefferabley with bright colors or detail,then look at the picture. Time it just right, she changes direction each time because you are engaging each side of your brain...
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    I find it strange that most of us assume bullying takes place in the schoolyard. KickChick makes the point how adults can be bullies too in the workplace and in other areas. I think adults are just as guilty of bullying, just usually it isn't as overt. Usually it is small groups of...
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    Human rights protect non humans again

    Damn - you have to be careful with your spelling with this subject! Paedophile = lover of children in unnatural way. Peadophile - abuses tins of mushy peas. Pedophile - the American spelling - surely means 'lover of feet'?
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    ever eat raw dough?

    I eat raw cookie dough, bread is just nasty tho!
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    Are Sleepovers Gay??

    dont call it a sleepover. call it crashing at your friends place and yeah, it's cool
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    A New Addition to the Family

    zomg! he looks like a dog we had but it ran away! THEIF!! *calls 911* j/k our dog was a white/black mix