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  1. J

    What kind of thinker are you?

    Musical thinker, which I'm not sure is true! I love music and I play musical instruments all the time, but I'm not particularly good at any of them - certainly not to the extent that a "musical thinker" would be. I think it mistakes your enthusiasm for a subject for actual ability!
  2. J

    American History

    no honestly guv'nor!! Just took an interest thats all, would you believe that film national treasure made me think about it??
  3. J

    Word Disassociation

  4. J

    7/7 attacks

    Geography fact for you: Not every user of the internet is American! Strange as it might seem but many other countries have the same level of technology that the States has. Some of us even invetned it ourselves...... Moony
  5. J

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    you could also do pull-ups, then continue chin-ups when you fail. the reduction in chin reps is minimal, if there is even any at all, and you'll be getting even more pulling in, plus increasing your pull-up numbers now rather than later. it's also pretty fun of course, it'll screw up even more...
  6. J

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I'd think somewhere on the water would be cool. Plus, Vancouver should have some great whale watching experiences. And remember, on a mission like this, you may have to resort to.....
  7. J

    Rate the persons user name and Title

    7/10- small man complex? 8/10- Teddy Roosavelt fan are ya? BM- maybe the quackiest
  8. J

    teh buttsexs guy vs mr ripperz

    My hair is a shitload longer than yours.
  9. J

    oh please, please, just once I beg you....

    thats just a beat down waiting to happen. But ya know what? I bet the guy who retaliates in "self-defense" gets boned by the courts! So the beat down might as well be worth it!
  10. J

    Read please! Urgent!

    I thought it was funny...until you mentioned the girl
  11. J

    US embassies attacked

    Agreed, but I thought (apparently incorrectly) that we were speaking in a specific context. You know, Egypt and the USA. A group of Egyptians are messing with the US Embassy in Egypt because an American put the "wrong" video about Islam on the internet. And I added the Sudan by name, because...
  12. J

    Eeek! GID being diagnosed in kids as young as 5...

    LOLOLOL...Yeah, I'll admit I am quite morbid.
  13. J

    Unusual dream about my bedroom?

    Here's how it went. I got up from my bed and went to the kitchen. There were my mother and daughter (they do not live with me). I grabbed the phone and told them I would be in my bedroom making a phone call. (Each morning I give a phone call to someone of interest my mother and daughter do not...
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    surely you ahve not heard of its legendary reputation as the best drink ever? also, speaking of 18, im 18 on sunday :smile: but since this is about discussion, what do you think is the best advantage of being 18+?
  15. J


    94 Kearny, NJ
  16. J

    Would a Rottweiler enjoy the woods and hunting?

    My brother has a Brittany they take hunting. Him and his family are very big on spending time in the woods, hunt, fish etc. Their Brittany is thriving in the woods and they're never worried he'll lost his way. They've been looking for a second dog. My SIL has her heart set on getting a...
  17. J

    Will you offer your seat while traveling in public transportation?

    I take public transportation and I always offer my seat to elderly people, pregnant women, people with small children or injured people. I've raised my daughter to do the same. I've noticed rarely a man will get up to offer his seat. It's always women. Is it because men don't notice who needs...
  18. J

    If he's waiting too long to make a move it's because?

    I work in a big building and in the afternoon I always take a break and go downstairs for a coffee. There's a man who works for another company taking his break at the same spot. A couple of months ago we started chit chatting and now it's become our routine, we've even become confidents. In our...
  19. J

    The pros and cons of dog food Orijen?

    Ok lets try this again: My dog has been on Prairie from Nature's Variety for a year. I know it's a great food for him but he doesn't seam to like the taste. I have tried Orijen and looks like he loves it. Thing is this food as 42% of protein and I thought should only be fed to very active...