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  1. T

    Out of this list of famous shows which in your opinion was the most overrated?

    Sex and the City!!! That show and the characters irritate me!!!
  2. T

    Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a husband?

    Church. God already has one picked out for you. Be patient and when you least expect it. There he is.
  3. T

    SBPF needs advice?

    Go to country club and parties. Also you can try dating sites or match maker.
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    If people say personality is more important than looks, then why don't women like me?

    Gilbert Gottfried said it best. " Women say they like a man with a sense of humor. Okay ladies- how many of you turn on battery operated devices and scream the name Shemp!!!!!! Shemp!!!!!!!"
  5. T

    Spotting? Pregnant? Help!?

    If you are pregnant, you better be MARRIED! Spotting while your pregnant is dangerous. If you spot while pregnant, you may have had a miscarriage. Do a pregnancy test. Go to your AF and talk to your doctor. I hope everything turns out ok!
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    Need advice on Boy name! Pick your favorite?

    I think Elijah is the best match with Morrow - the three syllables pair well with your two-syllable surname.
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    If you ever contemplated criminality, what kind would it be? Do you think you'd be good at it? Why, why not?

    If you ever contemplated criminality, what kind would it be? Do you think you'd be good at it? Why, why not? I once thought about painting fake masters. Then I realized that they would probably notice if mona lisa looked like this :-)
  8. T

    Is it true that most women lose their sex drive, right after getting married ?

    No not if her husband treats her right in and out of the bedroom.. my wife wants it now more than she did 20 years ago but i treat her the way she wants to be treated, we have grown in to one..
  9. T

    Is it true that most women lose their sex drive, right after getting married ?

    not true in the slightest. what really happens is that the men stop "courting" her, and it's the whole "courting" (the romance, the compliments, the appreciation for all the little things, etc) that keeps her wanting to have sex with him in the first place!
  10. T

    My husband said I am like the old tootsie roll commercials regarding sex?

    Do nothing, you're probably hitting a peak and that's all good, and if you're lucky, he'll hit a midlife while your doing another peak and things may be can work that way's important to always love and repect each other and keep a bit of humor about these funny...
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    Eternally single? advice would be great..?

    Nothing. Your time is gonna come. Just be patient and wait. Just because you are 17-18 without a boyfriend doesn't mean it will never happen. Only nuns and priest are eternally single
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    If you catch your son?

    Oh just let him enjoy.You can razz him when he gets older.As for cartoons nothing beats Bugs Bunny
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    If sex is such good exercise....?

    lol i know i needa start doing that work out i was doing 10 years agoexcept now my body popped and locked and i cant get it loose
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    If sex is such good exercise....?

    try diff. positions
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    Did you find out the sex of your baby before birth? Why and why not?

    We go in on Wednesday for our first ultrasound, and baby cooperating, we're going to find out. Our reasoning is we want to be able to pick out names, clothes, etc. and be as ready as possible to bring home our baby.
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    Should Islam adopt the name of Peace?

    I like to call it the religion of both, because It preaches peace in peace and if you are attacked encouraged to be aggressive.
  17. T

    WOW 29 warrior twink! need links?

    WoW 29 warrior twinks!?!? need links? can you please put your 29 warrior twink's armory link please! if you have more than one put all of them. and please offer all your suggestions and info please! thanks