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  1. Z

    Languages You Speak

    My first lang is English, Learning Mandarin and getting better by the day (at least I hope as theres a test in just over a week), I speak a little Russian and tiny bits and pieces of several others just picked up in traveling...
  2. Z

    What beer to buy!?!?!??! Toheys Platinum is an AMAZING beer. If you can get it in your area, pick up an 8 pack (yes thats right, they only come in 8) and drink yourself to bliss. They are 6.5% aswell .
  3. Z

    Texas vs Tennessee

    If you get me some beer, you're on.
  4. Z

    Texas vs Tennessee

    Theres actually a common saying here from when Texas joined the US "The US needs Texas, Texas doesnt need the US
  5. Z

    So I tried sushi for the first time today

    i love sushi
  6. Z

    The cake is NOT a lie!!!

    It depends if you mean "pi" as in the numerical value or as a visual reprsentation of the digit associated with the value (for example pi + pi - pi = pi contains four "pi"'s, each reprsenting the same designated value, but each independent of the other) In the former the cake IS pi; in the...
  7. Z

    The real Elizabeth Bathory?

    David Ben Gurion was a great leader according to Jews and a tyrant and hateful racist according to Arabs. Sometimes it all depends on who you ask.
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    I know! :runaway: :runaway:
  9. Z

    favorite tourettes guy quote

    Bob Saget!
  10. Z

    Guns and Glory

    I have only been shot at once, on a UN tour in the former Yugoslav Republics (c 1992) I was off duty and up on the roof of the hotel we were billeted in hanging out with a Dutch signal man. It was night time. There we were chatting etc. When small arms fire errupts from the scene of a rachous...
  11. Z

    which is harder:losing weight or quitting smoking?

    Quitting smoking can save your life and is much harder... it might not take as long but it is much much harder... Yes losing weight would be tough and take a lot of perseverance... but there is no withdraw symptoms when you aren't eating ice cream and doughnuts all day...
  12. Z

    Calling Aussies this true ?

    Yeah I posted those and immediately felt like a kill joy.
  13. Z

    Suggest a cigarette...

    Because I told Beccy I had given up, but not that I had started again :p: I'm so jealous you can get those cohibas where you are, hopefully I can find some in Exeter - and guilt is part of the good feeling! Have you ever tried a marlboro red? They are definitely :sogood:
  14. Z

    Need help quick!!!

    The school is in London and it doesn't list past experience in a school as essential. I probably won't get it but I'm going to try my best anyway just in case there is a small chance. I got your pm and I'll give you a call tomorrow. Thanks for your help.
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    Ghost Town Part II *pics*

    Someone likes propel.
  16. Z

    Olympic Hockey!

    It was fun watching the american hockey players get their butts handed to them...
  17. Z

    Is this just a rumor about Obama or is it true?

    So I have heard that obama said that he wants to "spread the wealth around". I honestly can't believe it i think it's just something republicans came up with to make him look communist. But anyways if he did say it could you give me a link to an article? (and one from a reliable source please)...
  18. Z

    crazy medicine side effects?

    what are some of the craziest side effects youve ever heard of. whoever has the most gets tha best answr