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  1. I

    Someone stole my lunch at school

    Hey andrew its lawrence I liked the lunch. it was good. have your mom make some roast beef next time:tup: ;)
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    The Japanese Whaling Fleet Sets Sail - Scientific Whaleburgers anyone?

    It's their culture. To criticize is to risk charges of racism. I have no problems with the killing as long as they believe the population can sustain the deaths.
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    Iran calls for Israel to be wiped off the map.

    Lets call this by another word or words, shall we Yohan, how about:Enforcing your own culture and ways upon another one. Do you think, just because the US is now the superpower of the World, there ways are the best, every one should look forward to being westernized, modernized and especially...
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    wtf $350 yoyo?

    Thats mine.
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    odd desire to spend money

    Sandals? no taco?
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Will you be wearing tassels?
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    Does "Better Together" Make A Good Case For The Union?

    Does "Better Together" Make A Good Case For The Union? You do like making stuff up. Were you the person who hacked Yes Scotland's e-mail?
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    What are you drinking:V2

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    alright guys, here is the fail

    and yes I know lilman=DKMS
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    Alright heres da question

    I don't know any of you.
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    After 9 years vainly looking for WMD, the Yankees are going home!

    Actually no I don't, in fact I don't think America should go around the world and try to make little Americas of these nations, or any other, and call it "best for our national security" clearly it's not. Our troops are called into duty and they do the job, as an American I fully support them...
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    your first cigar

    15, strawberry blunt (tobacco, not pot).
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    OK this is not shake weight

    We did it with a couple of teatowels, rolled them up fairly tight along the long side and threw them over the bar so you have to grip the two ends together. It's actually painful trying to uncurl your hands at the end of the set.
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    Wild accussation

    liero has a collection of Barbie dolls that rival Smithers collection of Malibu Stacy
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    whats the best birthday present youve gotten?

    Get a 55 gallon barrel.
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    Forum question

    This may be obvious and dumb but I cant figure out how to add a quote to my post box as some of you have or a line at the bottom of my post box.How is this done please .
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    Tiofftopicy? TIofftopicY!
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    Weird Thoughts You Had As A Child

    We was the only country in the world. I could speak French - baring in mind a)i'd never heard it before and b) I was like, 5 and c) it was actually gobbledygook, but my friends sure believed it :D I remember whenever I used to go round my nans - she'd take us on a walk, just round some local...
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    Facebook + Dirty pictures = Hahaha oops, everyone hates me now

    Darn, I seem to have got my shortcuts for MAP mixed up with "Penthouse readers' stories".
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    So-called "conspiracy theories"

    So-called "conspiracy theories" That's not a documentary, it's a work of fiction. I cringed so hard during that torturous that I thought I was going to poo myself. What next? Alex Jones documentaries?