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  1. S

    The Confession Thread

    bcullen - ring the mortgage company up straight away and tell them the situation, work out an instalment plan that you can live with. I hope things work out. I don't think so Mei Hua. We have lives and I was out training MA last night so I can kick your butt down the road (like I told you...
  2. S

    Languages You Speak

    English,pretty good german,passable Latin from classical studies. The times i have been to thailand, the basic thai i learned stood me no good stead as they all spoke verry good english so it was soon forgotten.
  3. S

    3 boobs

    Lmao, nah an Ox with a head of an ant.
  4. S

    Resultsday~ you up?

    i'm off to bed now... i'll find out about the results at school.. :goodnight:
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    Make me rich!

    Aii. Though I can only sell 1. They usually fetch around 200k on the black market. Not enough to scratch the surface. I hope all my fellow Aussies are buying lotto tickets next week. 21mil . Its drawn on my bday, so perhaps an omen! *touches wood*
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    Top Ten Beers,does this include your fave?

    Cool, I'll have to check those out
  7. S

    Give me Five ....

    Cheese and onion Salt and vinegar Plain Prawn cocktail Roast chicken give me 5 nine inch nails cds
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    The headache and general feeling of crud that is the combination of a cold and reducing my carb intake by 70% for the past 4 days. Think i might just eat that sausage roll and chocolate later and see if it helps.
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    When did this turn into PokemonNation?

    Way to kill my thread, old man.
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    Food alert on cancer-causing dye

    Its all ready meals and such like and Its a low risk, I dont eat rubbish like pot noodles etc anyway.
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    my son finally born

    LOL! grats, i like the name, hes a hairy one
  12. S

    Ginger kids....

    Not racism, I hate everyone equally. :)
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    Gawd... bless America

    I don't know, the "Faces of Death" movies were pretty popular back in the day. I could see a market for this...
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    I feel like emailing him just to call this guy an idiot
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    The Big Cat Thread

    I'd say this one ain't none too shabby either:
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    The opposite of Light....

    theoretically it would be anti-photons. dunno if they have a proper name of their own though.