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  1. J

    Iran calls for Israel to be wiped off the map.

    its an alternative view to the vile and repulsive western propaganda that we are usually force fed.
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    gay or not

    final, thay are gay. What else do we need? ORAL SEX?
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    Shootings in Virginia

    Yeah I read about him earlier, bravery like that is a very rare thing.
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    Shootings in Virginia

    Thats good enough for me. Having been raised around firearms, military and shooting for the past 25 years, its a personal issue to me also. Just happens Im on the other side than you. I see no valid, legitimate reasons for a member of the public to own/possess/carry a firearm, other than...
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    Rolls not Buns!

    I agree! And lime jaffa cakes,whats that all about! Surely they can't be lime AND jaffa at the same time! Scandalous!!!
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    Farting in outer space

    What would happen if you farted in outer space ?
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    9mm or 45

    okay what the hell dont listen to most of these kids. you dont need something just because it was in half life or dirty hairy shot it. if your getting a self defense gun you do not need something thats going to blow the ever living hell out of whoever is desperate enough to try and take your...
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    Bud Light Lime

  9. J

    MAP Mortal combat

    If MAP produced a Mortal combat style video game featuring MAP users and trolls as characters what would your special attack be and why? Perhaps along the lines of uber d3adly dinosaur bones attack and faith shield. We could also have tag team matches and all sorts of never ending fun.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Almost booted a small child in the head this afternoon. The first two times were accidents as I rounded a corner in the supermarket and he rocketed into me on his scooter. The next time it was almost a reflex. I effing hate people getting in my way, and a scooter in a supermarket? ARGH! Shoulda...
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    Immigration debate

    So I guess you want a private Military in America along with a private Police force and Fire Service. Seeing as you prefer to ensure your own survival instead of rely on the government.
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    Post Conundrums here:)

    So, what's the answer then?
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    Thanks FireMedic, that's a really good point. The UN is the organisation founded to make sure ALL the money gets to the "right" people, but the reality on the ground is much of it is stolen/redirected to the antagonists. Also, the victims of a war all too often become the aggressors, then...
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    what has been

    lol, how'd you get that?
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    What are you doing right now?

    bi-lal kaifa.
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    i lol'd at all the HK failure and AGG hate.
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    England is Vanishing

    What, like students? You in favour of only the rich going on to further education then? The vast majority of them have never paid taxes, yet unless the government supports them a lot of people would never get there.
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    Imagining the Tenth Dimension

    Yes, there have been a lot of numbers thrown around. Right now, I am somewhat convinced that there are around 10 or 11 dimensions. The theory of 11 dimensions supports the reality of a God. I find it odd that a theory that supports the big bang can also support the idea of God. Quite...
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    Car bomb found in London

    Yes absolutely! The BBC never lies
  20. J

    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    Ava: 7, but a little hazy. Sig: 8, cool... I assume that's you.