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  1. P

    What would you do if....

    Yes this is true. According to the knowledge of ST, chronic fappage, leads to blindness.
  2. P

    I have too much spare time!

    Ballet. I love ballet.
  3. P

    Worst winter ever!

  4. P

    Ann Coulter...

    are you insane!?!? of course thats a bad thing!?!? what the hell??! you think if those people where christians it'd stop them from being any less fanatical, hell i'd say they'd be more so! wow that is probably one of the most deluded lines of thought i've ever heard. hell my solution is...
  5. P


    Its strange how the government has managed to feed the idea of marajuana being "evil" into the publics minds. Half the people who have a strong opinion against canabis dont have any decent evidence to back up what they are saying so it seems that the powers that be have given the drug a bad name...
  6. P

    Need help with friends school work

    Wrong forum.
  7. P

    When will you get married?

    Gather round boys we have ourselves an e-fight.
  8. P

    Who is the best mod?

    So then... Wait... Why are you still here? If you don't like the rules here, nobody's stopping you from leaving.
  9. P

    Ban the last poster before you post

    Flinty because he's still here
  10. P

    hypnotist!!!!! what

    Because everything you see one MTV is real.
  11. P

    Essential items for dorm life?

    Lots of easy to microwave foods (uncle bens rice or whatev in several flavors is damn good, that cambells soup that comes in a microwavable cup thing is delicious), storage devices (plastic drawers and such), I'd suggest a TV, though u may not want it now u will regret not having one, i will...
  12. P

    what nationality are you.

    Im Syrian. Not native tho. My grandfather came to America from Syria back in the days. But I can speak some really bad arabic :D ... still learning. and white too. My grandfather dis-owned my father because he married the wrong women..and he was an asshole anyways. But because of that he had...
  13. P

    Soldiers as "heroes"

    Soldiers as "heroes" I was referring more to the supply of weapons and training or of cash for that very purpose to terrorist groups (although they're called freedom fighters at the time), rather than arms deals to governments, but I agree, you have a point, Britain's hands are most certainly...
  14. P

    He Must be from ST

  15. P


    Mug. I said they were "ghetto" music. Read the thread.
  16. P

    Pi Day!!!

    Let's all discuss thing that have to do with pi! Today is March 14th. AKA 3/14. and pi to 2 decimals places is 3.14. See the connection!? Anyone celebrating in school?
  17. P

    June 6th, 1944 The Day of Days

    And in all likely hood you never would have been born if the allieds had not won WWII. If you want to be an ignorant little boy, thats fine, just keep it to yourself and stay in your sandbox. As far as D-Day being're a fucking a retard. Do you really think the great...
  18. P

    The Battle Picture Thread

    Apocalypse invalidates all.
  19. P

    What Ever happend?

    LMAO! are you being sarcastic? dont worry youll be there in a year
  20. P

    Question about Mr. Bean's Holiday?

    Remember when he was in the public square with the kid, trying to earn money by dancing? What is the name of the reggae song he danced to?