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  1. C

    views on drug users

    like im dumb enough to say yes. mind you doin BJJ when everyone's high cojld be fun. i
  2. C

    Teh Mudkipz Lives!

    Agreed. First legit use of the facepalm.
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    Do you like the person above you?

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    The DEA raided my dorm building today

    Stop pushing coke and pimping hos then be sure to toss your glock out the window after dipping it in alcohol.
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    new deoderant

    Spend some extra money and get deodorant and cologne that match.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Some things are best left unsaid x
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    100 Things you must do before you die

    How about starting a thread about what you should do before you die?
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Bored so after reading something about Starcraft tournaments I had a butch on youtube. Still not a big RTS fan but the commentary is great fun. People take starcraft way too seriously StarCraft 2 - VL15 Vista Lasik Tournament - Glade (Z) vs Azz (P) on Axis of Industry Part 1 - YouTube
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    What do you think about tanning?

    The main problem is how to judge what is a safe, sufficient dose of sun exposure. In the UK it's easier to control your dose than in most places, purely because the latitude and cloud cover means there are very few days in a year that you CAN burn......... Willsy and Moi have already pointed...
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    MAP: The Novel

    "Yes Ma'am", he lowered his head, dejected. He neglected to tell her that it was just a replica bought from Toys"r"Us the day before and he only stuffed it down his pants to make the ladies think he was "bigger". They all tucked into their piping hot soup. In the distance, a dog barks....
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    feminist sexism and stereotypes in abuse adverts?

    I agree that I think there's a misunderstanding, but I think it's on your part. You really need to sit down and evaluate your motivations over this protectiveness. If it's not because girls are somehow more in need of protection, then why do it? Just ingrained habit? If so, why not try and break...
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    Darth Vader and Aliveness

    It's okay, the panic is over now. I'm here to sort it out for you. *sheesh* SteelyPhil said:- At the time of Episodes 1-3, the Jedi were at their prime. Their training facilities were intact, their connection to the Force undiminished. That's why we see Qui Gonn, Obi Wan et al flipping...
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    working well for me guys and its good to be back on the map
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    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    its from the last line of the International Taekwon-Do Oath and the year i began TKD
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    Political correctness....

    You just call me a billy goat?!? I am having ALL your posts erased!
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    how come Venezuela only has to pay 11 cents a gallon for gas?

    Because theirs is a socialist society and the oil is owned by the government.
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    Why does the media never show soldiers with my injuries?

    I just did a google search and multiple articles appeared about brain injuries and war veterans.
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    Anyone ever hear anymore about magician David Copperfield's alleged rape case

    Yes, but like the awesome magician that he is, he made it "disappear" mwhahahahahaha
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    I asked a question asking whether, if George Bush is mentally ill, he should be

    Because, the premise that our President is mentally ill is quite ridiculous, insidious, and spiteful.
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    Why do celebrities feel the need to endorse a candidate?

    I live my life based on what the celebrities tell me