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  1. M

    Cheating in exams

    Cheating is usually a way for obtaining a certain grade and/or qualification, thereby hence rendering that grade/qualification a lie... ( I swear I don't usually talk like that!)... I've honestly never cheated on any test or exam, I kind of never saw the point because all you're doing is lying...
  2. M

    The United Kingdom of Britain and France?

    Just a neighbourly disagreement! The English and the French knocked seven bells out of each other for centuries, while their kings squabbled over who ruled who. Meanwhile, the Scots and the Irish traditionally allied with the French to help them out against the English.
  3. M

    do you know your times tabels?

    1x1=2 amidoinitrite?
  4. M

    wrote shit on my floor *pics and lulz*

    ohio;47026247']this would only be funny if your floor wasn't getting re-done
  5. M

    The "Stalin test"

    The "Stalin test" True I did forget about the large amount of propaganda that the former Soviet lobbed at the people. However, would you not think that there would be a concerted effort to make corrections?
  6. M

    MAP Member Mind Avatar

    i am confused
  7. M

    teh buttsexs guy vs mr ripperz

  8. M

    Election 2005

    No no no no no no no! Religion must be as seperate from government as is humanly possible! Even the Americans realised this!
  9. M

    pics of mah lunch *pics*

    u missin da wahffulss homie ninja edit: fuck my life
  10. M

    What is your choice?

    And then a hybrid with a mounted turret, for errands and work naturally. Ya know, for the planet.
  11. M

    Post Conundrums here:)

    Language. Yeah. Im sure gry is a word though.
  12. M

    stripper girlfriends?

    Hell yes. They make so much cash, and I would dig it.
  13. M

    Some Judges Live On Another Planet

    Under the Sharia a woman is seen as goods and chattels and her happiness is of little interest to the court.Islam is all about upholding the authority of men and keeping women in their place.Things will only change if there is an uprising by women as we had in the UK with the Suffragette movement.
  14. M

    WTF, why is it snowing?

    nyc is friggin nice right now. i'm a shark i'm a shark
  15. M

    Derren Brown

    I think you've probably seen most of the websites I have. There's nothing really beyond anecdotal evidence. I can't seem to find the website that I was looking at the other day, though. I had it on my computer at school, and now at home, I don't know where to look. There was probably nothing...
  16. M

    Old Usernames

    But then those few trad readers here would really know who I am.
  17. M


    Oh man. He is fucked. Good 'Ol Willie.
  18. M

    Cybernation V5.0

    do you have a link?
  19. M

    if your where a dragon ball Z character which one would you be and why

    you want to be one of the characters strong enough to over power the green dude and make him do what you want with him. but from what I remember of the show he only drinks water, so there are questions about whether he has the right sort of rear end for the act of 'fusion'. personaly I'd one...
  20. M

    A drinking recommendation

    even when drunk your spelling is impecable (sp?)