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  1. M

    Break-up with the person above you.

    Well its been fun, but I guess its time for us to part and time for you to go fuck yourself you fucking whore.
  2. M

    sad Sr. prank

    Our class hung a dead dear next to the senior rock. Then painted "o deer!" on the rock.
  3. M

    The blatant lies thread

    this isnt getting too freaky!
  4. M

    Does anyone have the green bean casserole recipe that includes real onion

    rings, bacon, & velveeta cheese? Green bean casserole recipe that inlcudes real onion rings, bacon, & velveeta cheese
  5. M

    I have a son!

    You can imagine and TRY and understand - but you can't. Really, you can't. It would be like me trying to say I know what menstrual cramps are like
  6. M

    Question for married people.

    I felt the most difficult years are the baby years. Pregnancy can do a lot of weird things to the female mind and body. Mood swings, not wanting to have certain foodstuff in the house, being grouchy and irritable, going to bed at a schedule that has more sleeping hours than waking hours, and...
  7. M

    official how to NOT get caught fappin guide

    Oh shi- Great minds think alike. Anyways, who cares if you get caught...
  8. M

    Most Embarassing thing your parents have said v123412342

    I can see you added your dodgy 3 minutes after you initial post and likely immediately before this one. GTFO.
  9. M

    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    Jabba the Cat.
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    Everybody Draw Mohammad Day

    In time nothing will be 'sacred' all religions will be held as artifacts of the past, and then we'll have no excuse for our inhumanity to man. In related news, Bill Maher on islam:
  11. M

    The problem with MAP

    you can only look at so many "exotic" images, plus who says i aing got 3 windows running at the minute, 1 being MAP
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    I got my ass beat up...but not too bad

    Can't knock Su Lin for her charity work.
  13. M

    If you have at&t or cingular.. PLEASE answer????!?

    ok ive been talking to a guy and im not allowed becuz.. hes a guy.. stupid i know.. anyways ive only called him after nine on my cell... and its free on night and weekends... so since its free will it still show up on the bill... i dont mean online but the bill through the mail.... and we never...
  14. M

    Im afraid im going to flinch when he kisses me...?

    im 14 amd i have a small problem with expecting someone to hit me alot.. so if he touches my face or gets closer slightly fast that Im going to flinch or something... i havent had a first kiss yet... any advice???
  15. M

    Please help??... This invisible ad keeps popping up on my computer..??????????

    ok so I always listen to music or watch movies on my computer and this is getting really annoying... this lady's voice comes on (really loud since im usually wearing headphones) every hour or so and says congratulations, you have won a free ipod or wii, claim your prize and once again...
  16. M

    How do you read a Puppy chart for German shepherds?

    i have seen a graph for the puppy growth. When it says three months that they should weigh around 26.7pounds. For female . Does that mean, during the whole month they should get to that weight OR does it mean as soon as they turn three months that should be that weight? Also, when some vets...
  17. M

    how do u paint a clear coat on roof of car as the current clear coat is starting to

    bubble? it's a 2001 corolla, darkish blue, metallic paint.
  18. M

    On habbo, what does P2P, P2S, REV, BOMB, AUTO, etc. mean?

    I want to start my own game thing and I know how to play but I never understood what REV, BOMB, AUTO, P2S, and P2P meant. Can someone explain? o.o
  19. M

    Audacity- i have an audacity file i want to play it wont work?

    everytime i open it ot says error file not found or something .. where can i open it i tried garageband and itunes. nothing seems to work " agh .. :*( thanks for all your help
  20. M

    Am I spoiled??

    damn girl ! ! ! i live in bad area..i get nutihn you spoiled az sh*t