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  1. S

    Halloween pic and story thread

    seems like you secretly wanted to try looking emo and halloween was the chance to do it so you can make it seem like a joke. :dodgy: closet emo p.o.s
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    Break-up with the person above you.

    im sorry but my man george provides more than you. this is him
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    Hemel Hempstead

    Dangle goes to Uni 10 mins away from me and will confirm this :yep:
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    Wearing backpacks.

    No, those statements are all wrong. I guess I can maybe see caring about it if you're in high school. Even then, not really.
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    WASPKnife Should I buy one?

    Yeah You Should Totally Do It Its So Worth It Do It Man Now Drink This And Pull Down Your Pants Come On Man Itl Be Fun
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    Bradley Manning sentenced

    That's because you aren't thinking about the potential ramifications of those cables being released. If that's what she did, why release the cables? I'm not convinced that she did this out of some noble attempt to shine a light on war crimes. She could have done that without releasing all...
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    Warrior Princess

    Interesting read :3 Although there is only one true princess of fighting for me, which would be Megumi Fujii
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    I hate White Wizard because...

    Thats what you get for sharing an account with the missus
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    Circumcision reduces chances of HIV infection by 60%, says World Health Organization

    sorry, just saw this thread. i've done a lot of research over the last two years on circumcision, i've had two boys of my own. first off, i read this study years back. i think it's shoddy work. it comes down to the fact that supposedly kids that had been circumcised have less of an infection...
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    They want YOU! - American draft

    "Well, since almost all americans vote for either the republicans or democrats, wouldn't it be safe to assume that those two parties represent what almost all americans WANT? That sounds like good democracy to me." Actually If you take into account that the voter turnout in the USA is around...
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    SNP Wins Landslide Victory!

    I can't say if they would be happy too or not. In the current climate probably not. Nationalizing them probably wouldn't be a good idea. Businesses wont want to invest in a country where their assets are taken or they are forced to sell to the govt.
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    Twit jailed for tweet

    The US uses the Constitution to justify a lot of things that shouldn't be legal, in my opinion. That's the problem with running your lives by an archaic document.
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    what color

    How about an on going mural for every year of your life? I personally like safety orange but that's just me.
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    Not rape, the margins wanted it.
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    ANYONE heading to Notting Hill Carnival 2009?

    it can in a way but at the same time its hard to joke with it especially on forum with so many types of people, if you was to say it jokely to your friend they might not take it serious but to use it around peeople you dont know can cause a problem if you undertsand me
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    thats a rottie :)
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    BNP told to stop using military images in their campaigns.

    Firequan pointed out examples of people using Facist tactics against the BNP rather than using good, honest reason. He was right, it's not ideal and is slightly hypocritical. (Note the use of the word "slightly" - no one's making an exact comparison here) The question I'm asking is are we more...
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    Human swine Influenza

    They are not sacred it's because they are a dirty animal apparently. Jews and Christians are also forbidden but the Christians take no notice.
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    Funny Divorce Letter
