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    "Cool" things you did in Middle School

    "Cool" things you did in Middle School I got an erection was pretty cool.
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    Dangerous Dog Act

    i really don't have any experience with pits, but all the others i've met very sweet ones. yes, a lot has to do with breeding. and yes, a lot has to do with treatment/ownership/behavior. again tho, how would you enforce said chipping? are you going to visit every home in the country to make...
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    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Who, Hezbollah? For the record, I want them dead too. Every last one of the murdering SOB's. And we should kill their dogs too.
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    st how many pull ups can you do

    depends which way my grip is facing, if in then about 20-25 if out then 15-20
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    Who would win, a Gorilla or a Polar Bear?

    this is like the time ST argued/bet on a beta fish fight. :(
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    lets play guess who deserves to die the most!

    jesus-masterbating asshole
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    Does "Better Together" Make A Good Case For The Union?

    Does "Better Together" Make A Good Case For The Union? I came across this article today. You'll see that it backs up what I've said about the bank bailouts. So why does the eminent professor say the complete opposite from what has actually happened in recent history? His own employment history...
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    In the UK, really?

    I'd of asked him to explain in what way it was racist.
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    Thanks. Yeah, he pretty much stepped in it and I figured that everything since then has been him being defensive or overcompensating. Eh, it's MAP. Maybe I gave him too much benefit of the doubt due to PASmith's comment of him respecting Axelator prior to this thread.
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    THE ST yearbook

    This idea sounds legit. Also a couple years ago I think it was MVP who made a thread for ST awards for the year (eg best poster, best new poster, etc.) There were a lot of awards, and it was a great thread, but they haven't done it since, so this might be a good idea as well.
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    pimple on my butt

    Is this the new, ummm oh shit I forget his name. The kid with the goat as a avy and he was around durring christmas. Is chase still around?
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    Message for Mr Punch

    It's that Cilla moment (Suprise Suprise)
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    So i got alcohol poisening

    Like I said before, more than likely, BS.
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    Why are there no experts at

    That's one of the first things I was taught not to do in Swedish when I was in massage school, nearly ten years ago. paz, dormindo
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    Renaming Marriage

    one of choices for the death penalty
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    OMG!!! PICTURE of the girl with the GREATEST ASS OF ALL TIME!!!!!

    Definitely much better than my ass: I need to get me a better ass...
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    pregnant women, look away now!

    A large baby is 9lbs. That baby is more then just large. I doubt seriously that she received prenatal care and it is more then possible that if she is suffering from gestational diabetes, that she did so with each of her babies. It is not normal to HAVE to undergo c/s for each and every...
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    The Daily Mail

    The media's attempt at warning people of new 'drugs' is laughable and just damn right stupid at times, resorting too making up 'facts' and wanting to cause wild spread panic. TBH i think the word drugs could be replaced by a lot of things. I barely read the papers now, just look at the pictures
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    What is your favorite candy?

    snow caps
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    How do you feel about the United States?

    Anth gets the padlock and banstick ready You may now continue the thread