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  1. L

    Throw Down Your Best Jokes

    that wasn't even funny to begin with
  2. L

    What does "Kool Aid" mean?

    What does "Kool Aid" mean? thats confused me even more
  3. L

    What Are

    i just argue with all of mine
  4. L

    Man Federation!

    Sunday is for football. Nothing else.
  5. L

    High Heels!?!

    I'm thinking Lily was reading another thread and somehow managed to reply to this one instead......
  6. L

    Cali VS Florida.....Best?

    fixed. your welcome
  7. L

    Who thinks they can out type me?

    w00 just beat jacksonblue
  8. L

    my worst night ever..

    court will happen Edit: On April 25th.
  9. L

    Looking for a soccer coaching job in the US or NZ!!

    Cheers gentlemen, I was looking for a full time position. i current coach part time as i am in full time employment, but had enough of the whole office thing and fancy coaching either mens or womens soccer. I will have to have a look on the net and see what is out there!!
  10. L

    The world is messed up..

    That might buy a wing. The going rate for an F-22 is 250 million. I would quote Rodney King if I wasn't afraid to get pummeled. World economics is not my gig. However I know the United States spends a fair amount on foreign aid and development, relief work, social programs etc. Our...
  11. L

    Colonialism and Imperialism

    Thanks guys - good posts and I promised myself I wouldn't post anymore today but the debate is too good. CKava, I agree with your last paragraph but I think that most ex imperial powers do understand the downside of their imperial past as well as the plus points. I'm not sure America actually...
  12. L

    guys and make up

    Chill out dude. But i agree with you that hair colour, even if its not a natural colour, isn't makeup. Mev.
  13. L

    Change the song name

    Famous Last Words - Billy Joel
  14. L

    Dinosaur World

    i was there like 2 weeks ago
  15. L

    love this girls hair

    She's cute ... Good hair ... Sexy eyes ... :drool:
  16. L

    RIP Pete Pete Postlethwaite - sad to see you go Oh sad news. I just read he's passed away at the age of 64. I recently saw him as the brutal old mob boss 'The Town'... (great little film by the way)... and now he's gone. Quality actor he was! Lots of range and what a face! I liked his...
  17. L

    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    LMAO, I'm going to edit the avatar... and make it into KNFG !!!
  18. L

    This has to be the worst joke book in history. {PICS}

    Jesus christ, these are worse than the jokes submitted by the 1st graders in the local "giggle pages."
  19. L

    MAP Versus thread

    Unsalted, (sorz SDG but I can't see yer posts) Rich people vs. Poor People.
  20. L

    front row students

    Um, I call them people unlucky enough to sit in the back rows. However, all of my classes have kids in them who actually care about school, or else they wouldn't be taking those classes. If I were in a class for people who didn't give a shit about what happened to them later on in life, I might...