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  1. G


    First off, it's that time of year north of the equator. It's cold, it's miserable, and if you haven't got anybody that stimulates and loves you you're feeling lonely, unappreciated, and meaningless. I know the feeling because I get it just about every year. It's a product of winter and all...
  2. G

    Pipe Smoking

    lol wait... i didnt mean it i in a perverted way to clear things up. lol but...
  3. G

    MAP members you are attracted to

    My b/f only just found out that a haggis isn't a wee scottish creature, hehe
  4. G

    "I am so random"

    "I am so random" :coma: LOOL :rofl:
  5. G

    Post your Pet!!!

  6. G

    the weird places children will sleep

    i've fallen asleep back in college in the middle of writing a sentence
  7. G

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Turkey Day MAP
  8. G

    If you ever met up wit Bin Laden, What would you do?

    well since he has a ten million dollar reward.. id turn him in. But if their was no money i would ask him to teach me how to play hide and go seek.
  9. G

    Anyone have a 5300 BTU Kenmore AC?

    Alpha you son of a bitch.
  10. G

    Pan-Asian floods

    My brother lives in Kuala Lumpur. He says Malaysia wasn't affected and he didn't feel the earthquake at all because Indonesia acted as sort of insulation against the waves/force. A couple of people have died in Malaysia but that's just in the far north. Unfortunately, I've just heard about...
  11. G

    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    are you serious? ewww . you just have low standards i dont wanna be a asshole and hurt her feelings but... shes not pretty (i hope she doesnt read that) im her freind on myspace, she took a black and white pic of her self and must have edited it because she looked hott, but now that i have...
  12. G

    Special Constables

    Hi I was just wondering if any MAPers out there are members of the UK Police Specials, i was thinking about joining and was after some insight. Why did you join? What is the best thing about the job? What is the worst? How do you get on with the regular Police Officers? Did you find martial...
  13. G

    stupid brother...

    Why not just change the password? PL
  14. G

    ST photobucket

    i have a bunch of demotivator pictures if you want to give me the password
  15. G

    Web hosting

    would include php / perl / mysql / pop3 with a cpanel control panel.
  16. G

    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

    Ouch! Is it going to be the birth of a Street Fighter?
  17. G

    3.5 year old black belt?

    Bet the parents paid a tidy grading fee though huh?
  18. G

    Talk with bucket?

    He's like the average offtopicer.
  19. G

    rate the SIGNATURE above you

    one hundred billion and four
  20. G

    20th birthday present for my boyfriend of 3 years???? HELP???

    A game for either of his game systems, talk to his brother or mother about games he wants.Or chargers, carrying case, extra controllers- anything video game related - if that is what he's into.Your or his favorite picture of you two in a nice frame with quotes or song lyrics painted on the...