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  1. D

    Broken bones and Disney!!!

    If your daughter was older then I would suggest cancelling the trip and going next year which would mean a more enjoyable trip. Howver, 6 is the age where they generally learn to talk back so I would say go for it.
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    Army Concludes: No Abuse at Guantanamo Bay

    Hint: Its not slander if its true.
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    Is Beyonce big-boned?

    She has an hour-glass body - lucky cow!!
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    Lol and you just suck. Now get to what your best at.
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    Why do people start smoking?

    I used to smoke a lot, no real good reason I started, I honestly just wanted to look cool and lose weight haha... I never got addicted no matter how hard I tried. I've been off them for months and well, I haven't had a craving the whole time. Some people are just born to be addicts!
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Turns out I did have some Tiger Balm stashed away. Thanks for the tips.
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    where does st get there ringtones? i used to use phonezoo but they made it so everythings copyrighted. Ive tried myxertoners but it dosent work to well. any other places?
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    parents and non parents.

    You don't and can't EVER understand ANYTHING because you never had kids! Angry yet? Dean, That's just disgusting! No, you were called "not a nice person" because you had the temerity to tell your parents that if they ever have serious health issues, you won't help them out because...
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    Add this to your start page: feed hungry people with one click of your mouse!

    This site does in fact donate 3 cents for everyone who clicks on the site's "Donate Free Food" button and supposedly is under new management.(I believe it went under in 2001) The sponsors are donate money ( you clicks on the "Donate Free Food" buttonand you are taken to a page that shows a...
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    Death penalty

    The high level of re-offenders is probably 3 fold. First off, if the situation that made them turn to crime isn't resolved, they're going to re-offend. In many ways society's attitudes towards offenders exacerbates this situation and feeds gangs. Secondly, the political tug of war between which...
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    Anonymous VS Scientology in Vancouver

    Oh god stop...stop seriously you're going to break my monitor because I just spit ice'd tea all over it and proceeded to laugh my ass off. :tup: Anon is not a force for change. This is a complete waste of your time. Kthxbai. lol the people stupid enough to try and "HAX YOUTUBE", don't have...
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    250$ what to get?

    start dealing and increase your bank by 100x. but then become addicted to what you're selling and lose it all and die. :tup:
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    TPP. aka The Corporate Death Star.

    Yeah, sorry caveman, that was a smart alec way to make a point, no offence intended Mitch
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    who can get farthest away from pbn?

    It's hard when you have adblock on
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    things cops arent allowed to dO?

    keep confiscated marijuana :dodgy:
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    Smart or stupid

    I think you guys complaining about the American questions have no leg to stand on. I'll give you the Bill Clinton question, that's a bit unfair. However, the size of the United States is a general geography question (and the answer choices are different enough that you can figure it out even...
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    Student Tasered at Kerry Speech

    The village republican doesn't have a hanky, he has a wooden duck on wheels. Didn't you know that?
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    Taking suing a bit to far

    That is frickin' hillarious! I don't even know what to say about it, but I'm actually a bit surprised someone in California didn't come up with the idea first, seems there's nothing but frivolous law suits here. Cheers for the link! Wait, does this mean I could get a restraining order...
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    This is the worst thing I have seen

    Sane people don't normally or ever think Jesus taught or promoted them in a martial art. I don't think he wanted to be promoted by Jesus or to fraud people he probably believed because he was mentally ill.
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    Anyone who is ginger, or has dated a ginger

    I've been doing a red head for the past 4 years. It's great.