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  1. P

    So what can be done to prevent this, other than gun control

    Duuuuuuuude - talking or playing games on the internet does not constitute full-on social interaction. It has some of the aspects of it, but it is no replacement for actually being around people. Can we agree there?
  2. P

    Kid I knew stabbed his mom in the head

    Good neighborhood?
  3. P

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Props for making the change though mate, nice one! To up the cals in any meal add EVOO or crack an egg on while it's cooking, cheap and less time consuming.
  4. P

    Youre alone for 2 days.... What do you do!?

    Juice party??? Keep them fucking animals outside. Last big party I was at, maybe like 3 hours pick up with 3 people. Return the kegs, wash out the 30 gallon bucket the jungle juice was in, pick up a shit load of red cups, kick all the bitch asses that crashed there out.
  5. P

    What type of city do you live in?

    I dont live in a "city"
  6. P

    guys and make up

    LOL where did that come from , yea i think its funny too especially when its caps on ..
  7. P

    Change the song name

    'Bridge through Troubled Water' - unknown* * and possibly made up
  8. P

    best combos

    black + nigger
  9. P

    Should women fight on the frontline?

    You know him, so it makes sense that you would trust him over all other sources. But why would I? I don't know the guy or anything about him. Why would I side with the assertions of an unnamed individual that I've never met, relayed via internet forum by someone I've never met, over an...
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  11. P

    feminist sexism and stereotypes in abuse adverts?

    /me has a thing for chocolate soymilk. It's bad.
  12. P

    easter basket? wtf

    heh that one nub doesnt even have cod4 yet.
  13. P

    Microchipping to Replace Cash. Will you take one? - POLL

    Dhalsim-on Still waiting on your evidence for the evil motives of those in power. You yourself said that the conclusions people take depends on what they perceive the motives of those in power to be. Most of us here have no evidence or reason to assume nefarious motives, therefore we reject...
  14. P

    "OGame" - Intergalactic Conquest A great timewaster Sign up to Universe 1 (you can choose). And join the Members of MAP alliance, with the tag "MAP". Basically you just build stuff and get resources, then hopefully take over the galaxy! Mwahahahahahaha!
  15. P

    Favorite Fighting Game Character

    has to be good old lei ou lung from tekken series or good old mitsurugi from the soulblade series. i did like rayden in mortal kombat 1..
  16. P

    how do u put music on the "Rant" phone?

    i went to and a text said it doesnt support delivered content (which sux) so im trying to put it on my micro card {that extended memory thing}. how do u do that. i already got the card in my phone and the plug in the computer.
  17. P

    Advice Please Car Nuts!!!

    Well Guys, would like some advice, I'm selling my house and if all goes well could make a tidy little profit, so obviously i want to invest this possible lump sum in the future, i.e. a stupid fast car as i approach my mid life crisis!!! So my options that i fancy are the following, i wanna...
  18. P

    i tried to pay a bill over the phone with money i had in the bank....?

    i was short a few dollars but it took out $25 and said "ins. funds" next to it, do i have to recall verizon (since i got paid friday) and let them know i got money in there this time and they could take out the actual bill amount? -my mom always pays the bill and i did it this time in her...
  19. P

    why is it not good to take a bath during your cycle?

    i did it this morning because the pills didnt take effect and when i sit in the tub i feel soooooo goood but i laid in it for about 40 mins (after an hour shower cuz when i got out the cramps came back). water got in my vagina and i pushed it out (i know it sounds funny) and small brown clots...