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  1. N

    Did your Christmas break already start?

    It started on the 3rd day of school.
  2. N

    7 Year old weighs 400 pounds!

    At that age hetr skin should be elastic enough to recover.
  3. N

    Strange Ebay thread

    That is one ugly blow up doll!
  4. N

    Why is Democracy better than everything?

    Yeah, but it was prosperous. Thus prosperity does not come from economic freedom. Everywhere in the world, economic freedom has been benefical almost exclusively to those that were previously prosperous.
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    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

  6. N

    Population of ST?

    5 Mommy, daddy, sissy, brobro, and wonderful meeeee.
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    I know nothing of the sort!
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    what was the funniest momment in your life??

    title says it mine was when me and my sister and dad were watching americas most wanted and this convo popped up dad: see you guys thats why you need protection me:mhm but ima beast so im good sister:hahah funny dad: sister ima buy you a tazer sister: you cant buy them dad:yea you can...
  9. N

    Curse Words

    "bad words" always puzzled me. Why should the s word mean any more than poo? "Oh, poo!" and "Oh, S!" Mean the same thing and should be treated the same way. It just doesn't make sence, butt, bottom, ***, they are one and the same. I guess a few hooligans wanted to be bad so they made up words...
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    Handwriting is much different than drawing. Just because someone has bad handwriting, does not mean they could not draw Like anything.....practice!
  11. N

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" It really is worth watching. Phillip DeFranco even brings up "natural disaster" type self defense and the need for assault rifle to which Mr. Biden responds in a way pretty much saying, "Dude, a shotgun is WAY better in that kind of situation...
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    Microsoft Poland is RACIST!

    Haha, I read this in the wired usa blog. Made me laugh!
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    Sterilizing crack heads.... your thoughts...

    From the project prevention website: For one, it doesn't seem like eugenics to me; it is not even close to how what the OP asked our opinion on... For two, they got alcohol covered. Osu! The OP said: Quite a bit different from the mission stated above........ methink! Osu!
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    TPP. aka The Corporate Death Star.

    Not many people know, but the original address started 'eh, eh, calm down, calm down!' (sorry Americans, bit of an in joke I spose)
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    British Veteran to be deported because of scuffle with comrade

    Isimeli Baleiwai served 13 years in the British Army, including tours in Bosnia, Northern Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan - you know, pretty much everywhere the British Army has been in the last 13 years. Last year, he was fined by his CO for getting into a scrap with another soldier. No...
  16. N

    What is with all those energy drinks?

    I always take some sort of sugary drink to class with me, as I'm fairly prone to hypoglycemia...If he'd taken that tone with me I'd have been extremely rude to him.
  17. N

    You are....

    I'm 140. I'm in da middle.
  18. N

    is it possible...

    theoretically, sure. considering i can't solve a regular one, and i'm 19 (33 ACT and going into engineering to boot, so you'd think i'd be able to do these things), i kinda doubt it. then again, 1,000,000 monkeys with 1,000,000 typewriters...
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    Hitler + time = comedy gold?

    Because we/I live in a different era with a different understanding of the world. I try to think for myself. I don't tend to parcel people into handy "groups". And basically I'm quite a nice chap that wouldn't persecute someone just because I was "desperate". What about the people mentioned in...
  20. N

    Morrissey now a racist...

    Does he have a new album coming out or something? Maybe it's a marketing ploy as immigration is the biggest thing since sliced emmigration.