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  1. J

    best places to nap at work

    Best place to take a nap? Since I'm the office medic, the first aid room ranks top of my list of places to kip. Blankets, pillows, and total darkness since there's no windows. Oh yes..
  2. J

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    You know how people argue just so they can make up? Call me pessimistic, but I dont think thats whats going on in the middle east.
  3. J


    They just made a rag top version of it, which i was reading the review of yesterday in Top Gear magazine. If money was no option i would have an aston, its got the power the looks and its English!!!
  4. J

    Drawings done on sidewalks

    last one for now
  5. J

    Bruce Willis Suing Apple

    I walk 5 miles to work, do an 8 hour shift and walk 5 miles home.
  6. J

    Would you?

    At least you're honest.
  7. J

    What Possesses People To Be So Stupid?

    Ooh, good point, Frodo. A lot of people just want their 15 minutes.
  8. J

    ST help me name my African Grey

    Marley thats what i wanted to name my macaw but i didnt
  9. J


    He's winning her round, just waiting for the death match between him and Aikiwolfie
  10. J

    If you had to pick, Facebook v The Student Room

    Which would you want to be kept online?
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    brunettes are teh win, blonds teh lost

    Imo, blondes bone better and are generally hotter, but brunettes make better girlfriends.
  12. J

    Encouraging Terrorism in Iraq

    I go away from map for a day and miss all the fun So do you truly beleive in the stuff you post about for the most part or is it just to see how people counter argue?
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    Funny Questions

    If corn oil comes from corn...where does baby oil come from?
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    Is it better to be arrogant than to be plagued with doubt?

    Best to pitch it just right- how the hell you do that though is anybody's guess...
  15. J

    The Battle Picture Thread

    'cept maybe emo grass, really want this stuff - cuts itself
  16. J

    what is the last HONEST act youve seen?

    When I was about 10, this guy dropped his wallet when he got off the bus. When we realized we scooped it up, got off at the next stop and.... ran to nearby field to share it out. I only took a £20 note but declined any of the credit cards, which my friends shared out, presumably to flick each...
  17. J

    Which Caucasian male celebrities appear to have so-called "high yellow" skin or a...

    High yellow is not golden yellow. Hi yaller is a term that refers to people who have some African blood - a little lighter than Morgan Freeman. A majority of them have freckles. I can't think of a male celebrity that I would consider bright-skinned high yellow; it has nothing to do with the...
  18. J

    Do my coworkers have a right to complain?

    Tell them "hush children. You are lucky to have a job." Then change the subject.
  19. J

    Why do black men complain about black women being over weight?

    I am an adult living in a mid-sized city in the deep south. I see very few interracial marriages - certainly not enough for me to have determined the average weight of most white wives in a mixed marriage. Most of the black men with white wives I see are on the cover of People magazine, and...