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  1. B

    Draw A Pig

    Toward the middle, you are a realist. Facing front, you are direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussions. With few details, you are emotional and naive, they care little for details and are a risk-taker. With 4 legs showing, they are secure, stubborn, and...
  2. B

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    You are actually correct, this is not so much Bush's fault as it is the United States'.(Not entirely, but some of the blame belongs on us) However Bush could be doing more with this situation rather than sit there are say "We support Israel, go Israel" Of course it is not an accident, it was...
  3. B

    Who believes in love at first sight?

    Medi don't listen to the cynics, real men love. These suckers *cough*Dark Jester*cough* are just developmentally retarded. Skrom
  4. B

    flipping your high beams

    Yeah but only during rush hour.
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    Apple Juice vs. Green Tea

    Rapple Ruice
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    Are you comfertable with your sexuality?

    more mature then 'hey bro, tell your mom to leave the window open to her room when I sneak over again, front door creaks to much'
  7. B

    Opinion of Previous users Avatar

    hey thanks, gf hang on a second, gotta intuit and do a whole other load of girlie things a sec. I like it. Says 'stand up guy' and 'oh yeah? wanna make something of it?' at the same time Clean my cage out you big monkeys!
  8. B

    Song story

    Oh so its a love song theme is it.. "she aint exactly pretty, she aint exactly small, 42 39 56, you could say she's got a lot, whole lotta Rosie" Whole lotta Rosie AC/DC
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    The great Obama Debate

    That isn't what 'liberal' means at all. You might find it worthwhile to invest in a dictionary.
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    what color

    It's more useful for graphics / web, but it will probably give you an idea of complimentary colours.. Failing that, pick up a colour chart from one of the paint companies were you are.
  11. B

    games workshop

    I used to play Warhammer 40k, but I haven't been keeping up with it lately because I've been so busy. Funny you should ask though, because I've been planning to buy a few models and try painting them really nicely. I don't know if I'll ever play again, but I always found painting the models to...
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    A question about Americanisms!

    hahahahaha.... right... off to matriculate these files. Nordic will be the downfall of the English language!!! Reminds of a drill sargent my mate had in the Marines... every time this drill sargent would come to a word he didn't understand in whatever was being read aloud to his squad... he...
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    Which style is superior....

    ..... when painting your walls with a big roller. Side to side, or up and down? Col
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    I would take ten tarantulas compared to one brown recluse.
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    Ouija Boards?

    Oh, I'll cant you. You just wait. I'll cant you sooooo good.
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    Yay! I got an accord.But one question

    Ok thanks. I don't know much about boost control companies so who are the top contenders.
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    I won a Samsung Instinct M800?

    I won a Samsung Instinct M800. I have not received it yet, but can anyone tell me if it's a contract phone, or if it can be prepaid? Thanks
  18. B

    well, i am just stumped

    I once ate a cat.
  19. B

    Where can I find a black prepaid razr?

    A friend of mine wants a prepaid razr, but in the color black. He can't find one in the stores and I've searched online for one with no success. Does anyone know any place other than Ebay that I can find one for him? Thanks
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    Does anyone know where I can get a cheap 80gb Ps3?

    I really want to buy one as a gift for a terminally ill child.. but there $400.. anyone know where I can get a new 80gb Ps3 for cheaper?