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  1. P

    What do you do if you have not had sex in over 2 years?

    wait until you are ready. If he really likes you he will respect you for that. Sex will come naturally with time. There is no rush.And all bf's "want to" anyway.
  2. P

    If your wife won't have sex is that grounds for divorce?

    Irreconcilable differences is the grounds how most people get a divorce. It's a pretty generic term, but when my husband was physically abusive, a drug abuser and alcoholic, that's what I used. But remember about 30% of married people have little or no sex. So chose wisely next time or try to...
  3. P

    Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids?

    Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids? A nice jazz club
  4. P

    Where would be the best place for a single black female, to find her husband?

    shoot me an email at [email protected] and we can talk. i live in florida im 32 and i have my stuff together. im being serious too.
  5. P

    If people say personality is more important than looks, then why don't women like me?

    I am 34. I have never had a girlfriend. I am still a virgin. I have a big nose, a skinny face, and balding very bad. People say that personality is more important than looks. But yet, women don't like me, even if I am nice, kind, sincere with a sense of humor and a great personality? Why do...
  6. P

    Rock of Love... 2 questions actually...First... Am I the only?

    Well, for one there is no such person as Destiny Jo .. Its Kristy Jo , and just Destiny. I think that none of those girls are right for him, Jessica is way to young..he could be her father, Daisy is immature, annoying, slutty, and way to much plastic surgery messed her whole body up, Destiny ...
  7. P

    Should I reply or IGNORE his text?

    Today I broke it off with this guy that I've known for 5 years and JUST recently starting having sex with. He said, he didn't know what he wanted as far as a relationship and made it clear that I wasn't his woman and he wasn't my man. He also has a 7 mon. old child, with whom he still has sex...
  8. P

    How do you determine the sex of a ball python?

    My son just got a ball python as a pet, it is a younger python, and we are trying to figure out how to determine the sex of the snake if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.
  9. P

    Need advice on Boy name! Pick your favorite?

    Elijah sticks to my heart. It is my son's name. That is my favorite.
  10. P

    Am I the only person in the world who doesn't find "Sex and the City" funny? At all...?

    Am I the only person in the world who doesn't find "Sex and the City" funny? At all...? Never cared to watch it. The commercials turned me away. They look like a bunch of Paris Hilton chicks.
  11. P

    True or False? Sex is a big part of a healthy adult relationship?

    Most of the time, it gives you a sense of security and love, if you're in love with the person.
  12. P

    Why are Capricorns so funny?

    Because Capricorns are supposed to be the clever ones of the zodiac.
  13. P

    Why are Capricorns so funny?

    ya i think they just want to have fun i have a cuz thats HILARIUOS
  14. P

    Holocaust Humor?

    Whats the difference between a Jew and a Pizza?A Pizza doesnt scream when put in an oven =DLol okay I know what you mean. I do find "racist" jokes amusing. But personally, I have to be careful as to whom I am around when I tell these jokes. Just because you enjoy "Dark" humour doesnt mean your...
  15. P

    Did you find out the sex of your baby before birth? Why and why not?

    I found out with all three of my kids. Same reason that you had discussed...basically being prepared and choosing a name. If you want to be surprised then i say go for it! If you have everything neutral anyway. If your husband wants to know then let the ultrasound tech tell him, but just...
  16. P

    for girls/women.what makes you crazy in a man?

    you've got to be smooth and gentlemanly (if thats a word)... like, the most attractive thing a guy can do is be the man, like when its cold, give her your jacket, and open doors and make her feel feminme, look at her like shes the most beautiful thing in the world.... gosh works for me! also...
  17. P

    iphone or pink blackberry pearl?

    i dont give a damn!!!!
  18. P

    Q for people with indoors cats-what do you do with the cats waste,in the litter tray?

    do you put it in the bin? where do you dispose of it?