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  1. D

    Should prostitution be legal?

    No tarp that I see.
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    Do You Think Like a Psychopath?

    I thought it was because she slept with that guy. idk.
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    Anyone else hate their First Name?

    umm... I'm fine with my name.. Diana... but it's soooooo ANNOYING if people call me Diane... nooooo!! lol. I don't mind Dee tho :D Also, it's abit annoying that my name sounds different in an english accent and a russian accent... i sounds like i have 2 names!! lol
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    What Are

    dont say surprise :dodgy:
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    You better buy a copy of Grand Theft Auto 4 Now!

    It won't get pulled, it will be another failed attempt and make the game look ever more badass than it does now.
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    A good few rounds at Enshin belt testing (for others, I was just cannon fodder) and I managed some half decent Enshin movements including a couple of really nice grab, pull round/down and knee strikes. Which felt good Brilliant to watch a grading from the outside, same as in TKD. For Enshin...
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    Michael Vick sentenced.

    Well, that's because you're a hypocrite. Hypocrisy.
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    person bouncing off a car windshield

    Heres a similar incident (mightve been posted previously) Kung Fu biker wins in a traffic accident in China - YouTube
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    How old are you?

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    33-year-old man sired 30 children through 11 women? That can't be real. Please tell me that's an Onion article that accidentally ended up on Yahoo's news page.
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    Outside of MA I breed Andalusian horses and am into classical dressage. I am a Reiki Master involved in healing people & animals. Other interests include: art webdesign programming reading antiques and many more things....
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    Does the Sony Ericsson W580i hold a 4gb memory card?

    I am getting this phone in a couple of days and i would like to know the highest capacity of memory this phone will hold.
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    Hi, can u help me with this question![pics included]?

    Black = ClassSilver = Flashit's a personal choice, I like the black.
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    Is God afraid of evolution because there are too many books to read? Instead of just one of his own?

    Is God afraid of evolution because there are too many books to read? Instead of just one of his own? Why would God be afraid of a lie?There are lots of different books because, since it's not the Truth, everyone can have their own opinion and theories on it. There is no consistency. If...
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    Do you ever wonder if your too liberal/progressive.?

    No. If we "conserved" America and refused progress, I'd still be a slave and women wouldn't be able to vote.
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    Does any1 hope that religion will soon go away for good?

    Until a full-proof way of controlling the masses comes along, I'm kinda glad it still exists.You hear religious people, arguing about where morality and good-behaviour comes from, saying "without god, what makes you not want to kill and rape?" - i.e, without the threat of the almighty creator...
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    Clinton supporters, Question for you?

    Do a little research. Don't buy the line that it's all right wing propaganda -- look into Wright and his beliefs. Then consider that Obama spent TWENTY YEARS with this man. There's a reason he did. And that's why I'll vote McCain.
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    does obama still think the south is going to vote for him ?

    depends on what part of the south -clearly the first poster doesn't think very hard.i live in atlanta and there's obama stickers everywhere. southern places that are highly popular with black people will have more votes for obama then predominantly white places in the south.
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    Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Barack Obama?

    She is right where the far-left wants her. A woman with conservative ideals on a panel with three other women from the other political side. She isn't exactly Albert Einstein, but if she does manage a good point, the other three are there to shout her down or attack her in front of a national...
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    Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Barack Obama?

    I think they brought her back for comic relief...she certainly is not intelligent enough for anyone to care about her opinions...I can.t stand her, in fact the day they brought her back on is the last time I watched the view.