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  1. J

    do ugly norwegian girls exist?

    I would do all aforementioned women in this thread. Fuck it, I'd do scooby too if i had the chance.
  2. J

    Do you recognize the user above you?

    no With our awesome economy and "bagged" milk. :P
  3. J

    Well I am certainly glad they cleared this up....

    I can't believe the thought has crossed your mind
  4. J

    How to have an out-of-body experience

    Isn't that how Donny Darko ended?
  5. J

    so strange excretions from mah boddeh

    get that checked out.
  6. J

    Thought of the Day

    @haru: invite finite monkey to work.
  7. J

    damn i got pwned on xbl last night

    I like when people tell me I'm gonna get banned on XBL. like that ever happens.
  8. J

    what animal are you?

    I just took that. I'm a BADGER. And I'm totally cool with that.
  9. J

    Happy 4th July

    I'm impressed. I'm English and I'd quite happily kick my own arse if it got me three extra days holiday a year.
  10. J

    Bird brained?

    Birds is crazy intelligent. I read a paper a while back about a few crows who were able to pass the dot test. Beyond that though Alex. I mean, jeez, watch the video, it's nuts! ALEX - One of the most smartest parrots ever! - YouTube
  11. J

    woman in ireland refused necessary medical abortion and dies

    Actually yes thanks for reminding and correcting me, you will just die and have no chance of being resurrected when JG decides to destroy all the sinners and resurrect all the goody goody two shoes that will inherit the earth and live in paradise for all eternity.
  12. J

    So I Made a Couple Skateboards...

    It's legit plywood, but I'm not sure of the name. I can actually update you tomorrow if you really want to know. And it's done on two separate days in the same garage, so that's why the lighting's different and I'm dressed differently. The Rising Sun one was done two or three weeks ago, and I...
  13. J

    Hehehe check this out!!!

    Dunno. I'm not sure how anyone could top the 'Chewbacca dressed as a pimp' pic that Fish of Doom put up the other day... I'm still laughing about that one.
  14. J

    Renaming Marriage

    Well, I hit on Fish of Doom earlier but he wasn't interested, so I guess not for a while yet xD
  15. J

    Paris Hilton out.

    Fair enough. Well in a nutshell, a court of law overturned his original conviction on the grounds that he didn't recieve a fair trial. I agree with your point that any injustice should be corrected. Although as far as I'm aware, the only injustice in Paris Hilton's case was letting her out...
  16. J

    The girls don't notice?

    maybe they think your gay... gay guys are trustworthy and good to talk to. <.<