Search results

  1. D

    First Brand and Ross, now Clarkson (again).

    Kind of ironic that a newspaper would want freedom of speech eroded. Perhaps if the attention was turned on the Daily Mail for some of their storys they wouldn't be quite so quick to point the finger.
  2. D

    if you could

    The one without the *******.
  3. D

    How to have an out-of-body experience

    that CANNOT happen!
  4. D

    geometry vs algebra

    I hate linear algebra! Stupid matrices...
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    I don't think your Pioneers, Cav, inf or depot = elite, 2e REP maybe? Your sappers are amongst the best combat engineers in the world though., love them.
  6. D

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" haha... yeah that'll do it. Yeah I didn't follow the case very closely. In my experience how the law actually plays out in the courts is very different than to what 99% of people think it will. There is a lot of stuff that goes on that most...
  7. D

    Hey ST!!!

    The Maturines did suck, but its hard to think with 80 decibals of music playing 5 feet away.
  8. D

    What is that movie!?

    I can't for the life of me figure out what movie I'm thinking of. The only quote I remember is someone saying something, and a black guy holds up his hands like a slave and just goes "Oh yes master, anything else master?" or something like that. What the FUCK is the movie I'm thinking of? I...
  9. D

    Good riddance...

    Well, he was a big movie fan and what leader wouldn't want to stage their own movies while there is massive starvation & repression in your country? A leader has to keep his spirits up when things are looking down. My guess is the new Kim will turn out to be a little whacky as well. My fear...
  10. D

    So im feeling wierd as hell

  11. D

    Rant:Damn Knackers

    Only six months!? Man screw that if you kill anything just for the fun of it then you ought to get more than six damn months. I swear people get put away for years over a bit of weed but people who kill kittens for fun go free, its a lousy world sometimes.
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    Coca Cola or Pepsi?

    Diet Pepsi for me when I am working.. The caffeine helps me stay awake when working 12 hr shifts.. The liquid keeps me from having to drink the nasty water that comes out of the water system.. It's so hard, it comes out fighting you.. I take bottled water along with filling up my camelback...
  13. D

    Poll: Guys wearing Crocs

    they look comfy
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    NEED HELP - how to celebrate gcse results day....

    1. Get results 2. Get friends and 3 crates of WKD 3. ???? 4. PROFIT
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    Help!! please!! need to make a move

    lose the castle
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    Anyone on MAP had eye surgery?

    standard police constable. I'm not sure on the numbers but it requires me to be able to read the first two lines on the chart (i think) which i dont believe i can do.
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    what is your occupation

    well that shut me up
  18. D

    Omg What Did They Do!

    Lol, I like the colourful use of a particular word at the end.
  19. D

    I find it odd that reality stars are considered celebrities?

    People like the Kardashian's, the girls from the Hills, the Real World freaks. Supposedly, their shows are not scripted so that means that they live their lives just like everyone else but a camera follows them around. How does that make them a celebrity?
  20. D

    Getting a celebrity endorsement?

    You contact their agent and/or publicity rep. It costs A LOT of money, not saying that you don't have that, but just saying it costs A LOT!