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    state rankings

    25..and ppl said texas was dumb
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    Yay or Nay?

    volts feel funny amperage is what kills. doesn't anyone watch myth busters anymore?
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    Woman of the year 2006

    I am a GOD
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    Election Day! America rejects war...

    For someone that makes use of the word so frequently it'd help if you actually learned how it was spelled. As for the Democrats screwing soldiers... yeah... I bet the soldiers coming home in bodybags and their families are feeling...
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    Remembering 9/11

    A closed mind is a terrible thing.....
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    men and women... lets be freinds

    seeing that there are somemany womwen bashing threads out there.....why i hate to train with women,,women are ugly...women should stay in the kitchen.... well its time for a thread to promote meale female harmony well its time to share with you something we hold dear....(no not that...i dint...
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    Women in the Infantry

    Thats not the issue being discussed...and regardless it is a non-issue with most people I know in the military. Integration with homosexuals was not a big deal in the military. Race and sexual preference doesn't enter into equality in an infantry unity...gender does, physiologically. There...
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    Why do we eat meat?

    Oh goody, another rather pathetic troll joins our ranks. The door's that way, don't let it hit you in the arse on the way out. As to the meat thing, I eat meat because I like the taste, and because I have no moral objections to farming animals. I've heard all of the arguments before, and...
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    Your most embarrassing or weird hobby/interest...

    This girl I know collects travel cards and pins them to her wall. She's almost got a wall covered in those orange cards... No idea why. :shrug: I used to collect shiny things :evil: and play pokemon.
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    In the UK, really?

    You said that evolution had 'decided' that the foreskin was a 'pretty good idea'. I used the appendix as an example of something else that evolution has provided us with that we don't really need. And which, like the appendix, can sometimes cause problems.
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    After the Apacolypse, how would you start again?

    lifted from the other forum: for a mad-max/fallout style apocalypse: first priority is to identify skills people in the group have that might help. second priority is to get enough food and shelter to get everyone to survive until they have basic combat training. third priority is to use said...
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    This Or That.

    Boobs Leave it in or pull out
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    General Election - 6th May

    No, because the Monarch's powers are defined by constitutional laws such as the Parliament Act. So we go through this charade (or venerable old tradition - take your pick) of acting like the monarch can choose whether or not to give their assent, but in reality if the Monarch tried to veto a...
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    Why do mark fans always whine about Batista this Batista that?

    Because these hypocrites don't have the balls to say they're jealous of how in shape he is despite his age.
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    Which phone is better the Blackberry Bold for Cingular or Iphone 3G?

    which phone would you suggest to be better?
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    How do I pass level 46 on Numba game on IPod Touch or IPhone?

    I need tips on how to solve level 46 of the new game for the Ipod touch, Numba!
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    Motorola Ming A1200?

    I have a Motorola Ming A1200 Today when I turned on my phone, all of my contacts were GONE but those that were on speed dial were still there. My contacts were originally saved on the phone and not on the SIM card. Also, when I hit the text messages key, it says "waiting for DB." At this rate...
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    I saw your post all on it's lonesome so I figure I should reply just to keep it company
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    if fedor signs to fight randy with the ufc?

    The Rose Bowl!!Shea Stadium ? What the hell is wrong with you Don't you know it never rain in SoCal Baby!