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  1. L

    How to approach hot girl?

    "Does this smell like chloroform to you?"
  2. L

    Working labor laws

    I work for a restaurant Where i am the "pizza guy." Well starting off it was an ok job just labor intensive. After have about 3 other food service jobs i realized here i had never had a real or very long break. On fridays im in at 9am and out at 9:30 PM, thats a 12.5 hour day. I have found...
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    eggs...water balloons...wat else?

    Eagelclaw, for stuff like this I recommend the main collaborators of the "Your drunk when...." thread (, just read the whole thread and you will see what i mean...
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    its not fair

    Its fair alright
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    what famous person are you related to?

    George Washingnton some rediculous way back on my mothers side. Not really famous but my dad's dad (Grandpa) did some work on Sienfeld.
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    Epic lulz

    :ugh: o, ummm me either bro. I was just kidding :ugh:
  7. L

    Band Trip 80+ kids and instruments on 1 schoolbus *PIC*

    it could have been worse, you could be in a car with this bitch
  8. L

    Really need help with a personal issue!!!

    I have to agree with the guys who have said you made a mistake telling another guy you're attracted to him while you're already in a relationship. Irregardless of whether he is a sociopath or not, most guys would see this as an invitation because as far as I can see there was no good reason for...
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    things cops arent allowed to dO?

    illegal things.
  10. L

    Worst places to live in the UK 2007

    LOL, I've actually lived in 4 of the top 10 places. As for Nottingham, in my time there I had 4 cars and 3 bikes stolen, 2 attempted muggings with one involving a knife, and about 5 random Friday night attacks for no reason whatsoever. The crime rate there is horrendous. Basically...
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    tldr; night turns astray,get scared a few times, dog kills kitten & I witness. PICS

    tldr; night turns astray,get scared a few times, dog kills kitten & I witness. PICS I've been hiding out in my basement for the last six years. Damn it's hot down here. :(
  12. L

    Driver tells off woman for her cleavage.

    Where is the pic so we can assess the level of distraction ??? Smurf
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    Ninja vs Pirate!

    the reason pirates wont invade ninja territory in texas