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    Am I OVERSTEPPING my boundaries?

    Run!!! This is a look into the future with him! Run!!!
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    If you're having SEX with a person, should you know who else they have sex with?

    Hi, its very important to be concerened because in the world we are living today there are so many contagious diseases and to be on the safe side you have to know whether your guy/gal is playing you or not. you have to insist whether he/she has another gal/guy and why
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    If you're having SEX with a person, should you know who else they have sex with?

    once there is love in the relationship, you won't be able to bother asking your partner whom he had slept before....well, to be on a safe side...just use avoid problems later on...
  4. 3

    Do you think anything can be laughed at? Do you set limits to your sense of humor?

    I don't laugh at things where they use the name of God in vain, and green jokes are not funny to me or what they call toilet humor.Some said Christians don't have humors, but that's not true to me, I love being funny, there are many healthy jokes, there are proper time and place for it.Yes we...
  5. 3

    Are Fundamentalists lacking a sense of humor?

    Particularly Extremist Jews and Christians
  6. 3

    SBPF needs advice?

    Try military officers. No guarantee that you won't find a jerk but many black males that I have met in the military have their lives on track. The money is decent, they have degrees (can't be an officer without one). If they are looking to advance they have to uphold a standard of morals and...
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    Should I reply or IGNORE him?

    Dont say anything got under his skin and you have the upper hand....i mean it was on his mind 2 hrs later. Leave it that way and find someone better!
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    Should I reply or IGNORE his text?

    let it go... do NOTeven respond further... it is so easy to get back at someone... but it is better by not playing the ping pong game of retaliation
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    Need advice on Boy name! Pick your favorite?

    If it is a girl we are naming her Aubreigh Grace Morrow. We find out the sex a week from today, but there are so many boy names that it's hard for us to decide which one we want to use. Pick your favorite out of the following please:1. Elijah James Morrow2. Waylon James Morrow3. Ryder James...
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    Am I the only person in the world who doesn't find "Sex and the City" funny? At all...?

    Am I the only person in the world who doesn't find "Sex and the City" funny? At all...? You know, I've tried to like this show, but it is so dull and uninteresting and nowhere close to being funny that I've given up.
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    Is it true that most women lose their sex drive, right after getting married ?

    it might have taken my wife a couple of years, but it definitely went down
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    Why are Capricorns so funny?

    Some of the most famous Comedians were Capricorns-
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    My husband said I am like the old tootsie roll commercials regarding sex?

    Oh please! give it up!You are 35 and asking a question fit for a 12 yr old.Given your age, I can only suggest professional counseling and then marriage counseling.Either there are a lot more issues in your marriage or this is just a cry for attention, which if true begs the question:Don't you...
  14. 3

    Are you sick of annoying people in Y!A ?

    I am, I saw on your question earlier, you had 2 trolls that had answered and they were removed. I hate them!! They are annoying as hell.I would block them, they can't view your questions and will not be able to report you :)*edit: below...... I would never leave my crew
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    GUYS: What makes you notice a girl?

    All of the above. But what really makes me notice her, is her interest in me.
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    Who has the hottest female celeb body?

    scarlet johanson.