Search results

  1. I

    Am i doomed to be screwed over by women?

    Dude, I looked at your profile you are only 21 you so not be thinking about 'relationships' you should be out there trying to get laid. You are in the stage of life where you need to sow you oats. It will help you LATER in life for when you want to settle down. Have you checked out...
  2. I

    gay or not?

  3. I

    DIY Experts - Help!

    Good point. I was on a 90 second break in my workout so it was type fast-n-furious then back at it.
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    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    there are no contractions ?
  5. I

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    GRRRRR my garage gym is crawling with spiders the size of Shelob! And GRRRRRR, something bit me on the ankle whilst I was in the garage, and now it's all itchy (and I've put HC45 cream on it ). How can something be small enough to bite me on the ankle?! That's just wrong!
  6. I

    dunno if anyones seen this but a former soldier is about to be executed

    Death penalty is the easy way out. Should get life.
  7. I

    Christians, god doesn't want anyone to go to hell, right?

    So, if god is all powerful, he's outside of time and knows everything that will happen, correct? If the above is true, then why would god make someone that he knows will grow up to be an atheist that he will end having them go to hell?(Note, because many of you say god doesn't send people to...
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    Zimmerman Martin Case

    So you don't think blondes get upset about being profiled as being stupid, sex obsessed bimbos? And you don't think that constantly telling blonde jokes doesn't reinforce this? According to wiki there have been studies showing that people do consider blondes less capable for jobs requiring...
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    your first cigar

    15. Back of some chicks house with my 2 friends. Tasted like hammered monkey-ass and I choked like a mofo.
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    Jonny Knoxville: How Stupid Is This Guy

    Still no play for me, so thanks for the direct link. It must be something that equates to IQ?? Fools seem to be immune to dangers that the rest of us face? Whatever,,,its bally funny to watch.
  11. I

    is it possible...

  12. I

    Cool sculpture!

    Oppps double post... my internet goes badly.
  13. I

    referendum on Europe

    Didn't go so well for the last monarch who attempted to change the status quo.......
  14. I

    Sick of Starbucks? Bad coffee leads to bombing?

    Apparently a Starbucks in NYC was bombed. Of course all the pundits are trying to tie it into Al Qaeda (you know it's coming) and everything else under the sun. Just wait... I'm sure Iran will figure into...
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    why wont my fiance ever go with me? Please help!?

    My fiance and i have been together for 4 years. I adore him as he does me. Im a 25 year old hairstylist and he is a 33 year old tattoo artist with his own shop. We are both crazy about one another and we tell each other we love one another every chance we get. I am a little girlie & have 4...
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    Ninja Cat!

    Awwww.... poor kitty Funny though
  17. I

    Who's your CELEBRITY CRUSH (boys & girls! EASY POINTS!)?

    Gaspard Ulliel--Simply stunning and gorgeous. And Trent Reznor--Hottest guy alive!
  18. I

    Which celebrity do i look like/remind you of?

    The pictures are over contrasted and decieving.