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    Teen Pregnancy

    or this...
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    World War 2 - the "Forgotten" Army

    World War 2 - the "Forgotten" Army Sorry, you seem to have quoted me on saying they got "what was coming to them" but i don't remember saying that. However, i do save my pity for the victims of Nazi Germany. I disagree with your interpretation of Churchill and Britain's position, and also the...
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    New Off Topic Mod

    [No message]
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    Saddam has been downed

    appearances clearly do matter, otherwise the official video of the lead up to the execution would have been distributed with sound. The powers that be obviously didn't want people to be aware of just how shambolic it was.
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    For the surfers out there...

    Oh god....just when you thought things were already bad enough on MAP. Saz, go forth and pee in the sea.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Grrrr, after Bench Workout Wednesday and Judo Thursday my triceps are so sore I can barely straighten my arms. Every friday is becoming 'walk like a robot' day
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    Energy Drinks

    Stuff like that's good for gaming (used for a complete-Metroid-Prime-in-one-sitting day before ) but I just couldn't drink them while training.
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    this is not to affend!

    Because we can say that they did something in their past lives to deserve it? Sorry, but I don't buy that.
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    Dating a stripper?

    Ok. "that's not patriarchal/it shows progressiveness." Better?
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    awesome pic

    you suck go away, the answer is obvious:crash:
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    Thailand/Exotic Countries & Spiders

    Thailand/Exotic Countries & Spiders ive been to thailand 3 or 4 times. in both north and south and ive never had a problem. ive travelled to cambodia and vietnam too. still no problems.
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    After a pandemic

    The internet would still be working I imagine. I think the world would go communist.
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    What if there were no humans

    So whats your point here? The study found Neanderthal DNA in non Africans. Fact. No Orangutan DNA, Neandertal DNA.
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    weekly food bill

    True ,true ,me being a posher and all.
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    Google Image Wars v. 8362348246

    dead battery
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    Final week before the big W...

    This is gonna be interesting... Had a bust up with a family member so she isn't going, insisting that I apologise. Hmmmm, apologise for her trying to ruin my big day? Apologise for her treating me and my fiance as crap? Yeah, don't think so... Also, my Si Fu and his ex-best friend are...
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    The MAP edited pics thread.

    ROFL Not even too humiliating Nice work Greg, and so it should be, the length of time you've been threatening....
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    I consider myself and many of my friends as unique geeks/freaks. I was in the art-geek clique in high school.